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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Aaryn Bashes Candice For Being Adopted!

The Big Brother 15 cast seems bent on pissing off every category of viewer they can. In the latest example of totally ridiculous and offensive statements made by the HouseGuests on the Big Brother Live Feeds, we turn once again to Aaryn Gries. Yes, Aaryn is at it again, and this time she’s decided that the latest group she’s going to insult is [roll the dice] people who are adopted. […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 15: Week 5 MVP Nomination Stuns HouseGuests!

Going into the CBS Big Brother 15 show on Wednesday night, the Big Brother 15 cast still has no idea that America currently holds the Most Valuable Player power to nominate a third HouseGuest for eviction. Most of them are convinced that either Rachel Reilly’s sister Elissa Slater still has the MVP and has been covering it up, or that another player has been secretly choosing the MVP nomination for the past two weeks. […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Host Julie Chen Will Confront Aaryn Gries Over Racist Remarks

Big Brother 15 host Julie Chen doesn’t know when she’ll be forced to have her final exit interview with HouseGuest Aaryn Gries but when it happens, she’ll be prepared to speak her mind. When Aaryn is evicted from Big Brother 2013, Julie plans on confronting the 22-year-old Texan model wannabe about her repeated racism-tinged remarks on the show, including slurs against Asian cast member Helen Kim and black HouseGuest Candice Stewart. […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Eviction Prediction: Who Goes Home in Week 4?

We’ve finally decided to place our bet and make our Big Brother 15 eviction prediction for Thursday night. If you’d asked us on Friday who will go home on Big Brother this week, we would have given you a totally different name. Things change swiftly inside the house though and the Big Brother 2013 cast members seem especially fond of flipping their votes at the drop of a hat. […]

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Big Brother

Who Got Voted Off Big Brother Last Night in Week 3? 7/18/2013

Figuring out who got voted off Big Brother tonight in week 3 didn’t seem like it was going to be that hard of a prediction to make. From everything we’ve been watching on the 2013 Big Brother Live Feeds all week, all signs seemed to point very firmly toward one particular HouseGuest who would be the one who was evicted on Big Brother 15 this week. In this game, however, it is never wise to believe any player is absolutely 100 percent out the door until the final votes are counted… […]