!SPOILER ALERT! – Big Brother 13 Week 4 Eviction
[spoiler name=”Week 4 Eviction”] BRENDON has been evicted from the Big Brother house [/spoiler] »crosslinked«
[spoiler name=”Week 4 Eviction”] BRENDON has been evicted from the Big Brother house [/spoiler] »crosslinked«
And we’ve got another Head of Household on our hands. Very few duo’s left so who will they put up? Find out soon. But for now the new Head of Household: [spoiler name=”Head of Household […]
Sunday was quite the eventful day in the Big Brother 13 house. The newbies are on the run from the veterans and one in particular is furious with their fate. Plus, what the hell is up with Rachel and Cassi anyway? […]
[spoiler name=”Week 2 HoH Results”] JORDAN won the HoH competition. Watch out for her nominations coming Friday evening! [/spoiler] Grab your Big Brother Live Feeds free trial right now and start watching the action!
[spoiler name=”Week 1 Eviction Results”] KEITH was eliminated and Porsche received the Golden Key. [/spoiler] Fights spread through the house after the eviction as the Newbies sought out the traitors. Grab your Big Brother Live […]
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