Wondering when is the Big Brother finale date for season 16? CBS has just announced the Big Brother 16 finale date will take place in September the same night as the Survivor 2014 Blood vs Water premiere. It’s going to be a crazy big night for CBS reality show fans with the 90-minute Survivor 29 premiere followed by a 90-minute Big Brother 2014 finale.

CBS has added an extra week to the Big Brother 16 schedule to throw it in with the Survivor 2014 premiere on Wednesday, September 24. The Survivor premiere will kick off at 8PM ET/PT, followed by the Big Brother finale at 9:30 ET/PT. To accomodate this schedule, CBS has moved the season finale for it’s new sci-fi show Extant, starring Halle Berry, to a week earlier.
With the schedule as it is now, it looks like we could only end up with one Double Eviction this season. Unless CBS Big Brother decides to throw in yet another twist and have an evicted Houseguest return to the game some way or another. We wouldn’t be all that shocked if that happened again. The final three Big Brother 2014 cast members should be revealed on Thursday, September 18.
Due to this new schedule, the last Houseguests standing this season will spend more time inside the Big Brother house than any other cast members — 97 days.