Can’t wait to find out who went home on Big Brother tonight? Well, we have all the Big Brother 2014 spoilers for you on the live eviction vote! Although we’ve known for several days who would probably be the Houseguest who got evicted on Big Brother 16 tonight, the real fun is all in how it came about, right?

If Donny had not won the Power of Veto this week, we might have been looking at very different Big Brother eviction results on Thursday night. He was the original target t0 get the boot agreed on by both Heads of Household, Caleb and Frankie Grande. When Donny nabbed the PoV and took himself off the block, the house had to turn to a new target.
Unfortunately for Joey Van Pelt, she had managed to make herself the prime nominee by pretty much everyone to go up as Donny’s replacement on the block. Joey may have the Team America secret alliance vote behind her, but she doesn’t really have any of the Houseguests on her side at all.
Joey was an easy choice for Caleb and the rest of The Bomb Squad alliance to target for eviction and with their numbers behind the vote, she was pretty much doomed. There was little she could do to save herself, but what she did try only made things worse.
Joey make a huge error when she revealed the El Cuatro alliance and her attempts to make an all-girls alliance stick. That just made her even more of a target and convinced Caleb, Devin, and the rest that Joey was a trouble-maker who needed to be the one who went home on Big Brother 16 this week.
Then we had all that wacky weirdness with Alex pulling out her alter-ego ‘tough guy Alex’ and rampaging about the house. Instead of being funny and winning her any supporters, it just creeped people out and was kind of scary. Especially that whole bit where she shoved her fake “giant balls” into Nicole’s face and wiggled her crotch around.
As Caleb pretty much said at one point, The Bomb Squad dropped a big load on Joey this week and guaranteed she would be the Houseguest who was evicted on Big Brother 2014 tonight.
The official Big Brother results aren’t in yet, but we don’t see anything happening between now and live eviction time to save Joey from getting evicted tonight.
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