The Big Brother 19 house was still reeling after Cody Nickson’s plans for the week two eviction did not go as well as planned. Cody wanted Christmas Abbott evicted from the Big Brother 19 house while the majority of the house voted to evict Jillian Parker. Once tempers settled between Christmas and Cody’s girl toy Jessica Graf, it was time to play for the next Big Brother Head of Household (HOH) competition.
This week’s Big Brother 19 HOH competition was modeled after the infamous mobile app, Candy Crush. To win HOH, houseguests (HG) first needed to collect silver tickets hidden inside a variety of different candies. Silver tickets were traded in for equal chances to roll a ball down one of three tricky ramps. Once a ball landed in the center portion of the Candy Crush game board in the Sweet Shop, a new Big Brother HOH would be crowned.
The majority of the Big Brother 19 house decided collectively to give Paul Abrahamian all of their silver tickets, thus giving Paul all of their chances for winning HOH. The plan was to allow for one houseguest to perfect their shot, rather than several players vying for the same win with fewer chances. Paul gladly accepted silver tickets from most of the Big Brother 19 house. As predicted by the majority, the “Paul theory” was correct, and Paul easily won HOH at the Candy Crush Sweet Shop.

After the Big Brother competition, tempers were still on edge in the house between Cody and those who he felt betrayed him with their eviction vote. He wrongly assumed Kevin Schlehuber voted to evict Christmas. Actually, Kevin flipped his vote at the last minute. Kevin lied directly to Cody and convinced him that he still had his back by voting against Christmas. Meanwhile, Cody was convinced Ramses Soto had betrayed him with his Big Brother vote; Cody was completely wrong.
Cody and Jessica confronted Josh Martinez about his vote for eviction, which almost incited a small riot in the Big Brother 19 house. Cody called Josh a traitor and a cry baby that pouts all the time, and Jessica called him a little girl. Raven Walton and Dominique Cooper consoled Josh: they assured him that Cody and Jessica’s time will come to an end soon in the Big Brother 19 game.
The next Big Brother Den of Temptation was revealed: America voted for Christmas to receive the Ring of Replacement. This power will allow Christmas to replace any randomly drawn Power of Veto (POV) winner during the remainder of the summer. As always, Big Brother reveals a consequence for taking a temptation. Christmas selected voodoo dolls with the names of Jason Dent, Cody, and Jessica as recipients for the next consequence, which will turn them into V-Toads for the next week.

Newly appointed HOH, Paul, shares his new HOH room with all of the Big Brother HGs. Game talk doesn’t take long to turn to Paul’s targets for the week. Paul saw how Cody’s strategy to keep his nominees under his vest backfired horribly for Cody’s game, so he vowed to share his nominees with all of his Big Brother alliance. Paul decides his main target for the week will be Cody. He plans to seek revenge for Cody trying to backdoor him during the prior week.
Paul pulls Alex Ow into the Big Brother HOH room and convinces her to jump ship from team Cody and come to his side as a pawn for the week. Once Alex is on board, Paul has the same conversation with Josh, who also agrees to be a pawn for the week. Paul wants to win the Big Brother POV and use the power to take Alex off the block and replace her nomination with Cody.
The recipient of last week’s Den of Temptation consequence was Ramses, and he decides that this would be the safest week for him to use his curse, and places himself on the Big Brother Block as the third nominee along with Alex and Josh. This could throw a wrench in Paul’s plan if Ramses wins POV and takes himself off the Block. The rules for this special curse state that a replacement nominee will not be allowed if Ramses takes himself off the Block. Therefore, Paul would not be able to backdoor Cody. He would have to leave Josh and Alex on the block for eviction.

Will Paul’s plan to backdoor Cody come to fruition or will Ramses spoil the plan by winning the next Big Brother 19 POV?
Tune in Wednesday at 8:00 PM/7:00 PM CST to find out, or read our Big Brother 2017 recap the following morning.
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