Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 10 Highlights: Paranoia Strikes the Bored Houseguests

The tenth day of the Big Brother 19 Live Feeds produced a very slow day in the house–not much action or gaming happening. Head of Household Paul Abrahamian has kept this week very straightforward; no one can stop his Big Brother 2017 plan to evict Cody Nickson. His Power of Veto victory seems to have settled the score and ensured Cody’s eviction.

Big Brother 19 Cody Nickson, Jason Dent, and Alex Ow

Yesterday, the Big Brother 2017 houseguests lounged around. Many of them didn’t wake up until after 1:00 PM, and the rests hung by the pool. They used this down time to chat about the game, but mostly about their lives outside Big Brother. Therefore, if you missed yesterday’s Big Brother 19 Live Feeds, you didn’t miss much.

But here is what you did miss on the Big Brother 19 Live Feeds:

Battle Back Paranoia Strikes

Big Brother 19 Raven Walton and Alex Ow

The Big Brother players started to speculate about a possible Battle Back. Matthew Clines and Raven Walton weren’t too concerned about it, or Cody’s possible return because of these competitions. Matt even stated that if Cody does return via a Battle Back, the Big Brother 19 houseguests would just send him right back out the door.

Paul didn’t seem too phased either. However, it changed his eviction order plans. Originally, the Big Brother houseguests (on Paul’s team) talked about taking out Ramses Soto next, instead of Jessica Graf. Now Paul wants to send Jessica and Jason Dent out next because it messes up Cody’s chances to win the Battle Back.

They feel that having to beat his ‘girlfriend’ will be hard for him to do (because of their emotional attachment), and Paul’s side still views Jason as a strong competitor, someone who could beat Cody in a competition.

We’ll have to see if Paul keeps his control over the house and gets his way in the next few evictions.

A Showmance Triangle

Big Brother 19 Mark Jansen and Elena Davies

Dominique Cooper, Elena Davies, and Mark Jansen have a lot of distrust going on within their group. Elena is a little jealous of the close relationship between Dominique and Mark. Mark also doesn’t trust Elena because of behavior that he deems ‘fake.’

He even told Dominique that he wanted to get Elena out as soon as jury starts. Dominique also mentioned that she had a little crush on Mark in the beginning of the game, but buried it and wants to see him as just a brother type figure.

We’ll continue to monitor this development because it could get messy…and entertaining.

The Outsiders Stay Outsiders

Big Brother 19 Josh Martinez

During a private conversation, Alex Ow and Jason Dent confirmed to Cody that they weren’t really on Paul’s side. They know they have to play nice with him but have no loyalty to Paul. When Cody left, they continued to talk about not really being team Paul, but Alex warned Jason that he needs to at least appear to be on team Paul. They’re still not on Cody’s side either. All of the outsiders (Ramses, Josh Martinez, Alex, Jason, and Kevin Schlehuber) seem to be free agents and in a very loose alliance with each other.

Meanwhile, Josh had a direct conversation with the live feed watchers. He revealed that he still wants to work with the outsiders, but needs to play nice with Paul’s side until jury. After jury, he wants to take out that entire side.

Good luck with that Josh, especially with no true allies!

The Ants Arrive

Big Brother 19 Kitchen

The Big Brother ants are always the 17th through 4,000th houseguests. Today, they started to make their move on the Big Brother kitchen. Raven, Matt, Josh, and Ramses spent some time trying to clean the kitchen and get the ants out.

Of course, it won’t be easy to evict the ants, but they gave it a big try.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news.
