When the Hive alliance lost Bayleigh Dayton last week to eviction, that was a big blow to their Big Brother game. However, Haleigh Broucher stepped up to the plate and won the Head of Household competition to put the group right back on top by nominating two Level 6 members for eviction, Angela Rummans and Kaycee Clark. The Hive didn’t expect a Level 6 alliance member to win the Big Brother Hacker competition and take back that power they worked so hard to win. Now if Haleigh hopes to save her HOH week, she or one of her allies needs to win the Power of Veto.
After Kaycee, of Level 6, secretly won the BB Hacker title, she took herself off the block for eviction and put up Hive member Rockstar Lantry in her place. That left Angela and Rockstar on the block for now unless the POV winner decides to invoke the power and remove one of the nominees. Haleigh, or a member of her crew, must win the POV tonight, take down Rockstar and then replace her with a Level 6 member. This is critical for the Hive to take back power and control in the Big Brother house. If they don’t win, Haleigh could very well watch one of her won alliance members join the jury under her own HOH. That’s one of the worst scenario’s for an HOH in the game of Big Brother.
Hacker Competition Fallout
As soon as Kaycee won the hacker competition, Level 6 knew they were back in the driver’s seat this week. Kaycee won the ability to remove and replace a player on the block, pick a player for the POV competition, and nullify one houseguest’s vote at the weekly eviction ceremony. This is the second and last week for this new Big Brother 20 summer twist, but it couldn’t have come at a better time for Level 6. Down 2 members, they needed this power if they had any chance to stay in the game. Now they have the Hive on their heels and desperately needing a POV win to save their game this week.
Tyler Crispen still holds onto a Cloud Power App he won earlier in the season. The app allows Tyler to save himself from being nominated to the block, but he can only use the power once and only once. Tyler is well aware (and even encouraged) that HOH Haleigh is planning to backdoor him and place him on the block if/when she or one of her allies wins the POV. What Haleigh doesn’t know is that Tyler holds the power to avoid that backdoor nomination.
The Hive is still in the dark about the winner of this week’s Big Brother Hacker. They keep flip-flopping on who they think holds the power, but they are still uncertain. Kaycee has told her Level 6 alliance, but other than that, she has kept her mouth shut about her power.
Sam Bledsoe continues to ride on the crazy train. She has lost control of herself inside the Big Brother house and has continual emotional breakdowns. Tyler did divulge his Power App to Sam, but so far, Sam has kept this information to herself. Tyler is playing a crucial role in helping keep Sam sane inside the house at the moment, but who knows how long that will last?
Power of Veto Competition
Time has come to pick players for the POV competition. The hacker, AKA Kaycee, chose Tyler to play in the competition. Rockstar drew choice and picked Faysal Shafaat to play, and Angela chose Kaycee to play in the comp. In the end the players competing will be HOH Haleigh, block noms Rockstar and Angela, and houseguests Fessy and Kaycee. On a side note, Kaycee picked Tyler with her hacker pick due to his excellent comp track record knowing Level 6 needed a POV win.
OTEV is back in the Big Brother house. The houseguests will be searching for specific medicine to help OTEV get over his cold. They will search for medicine with the names of evicted houseguest. OTEV will ask questions about the evicted houseguests and the players will have to search for medicine bottles with the correct answers throughout the backyard. The last houseguest to return to OTEV’s house with the correct medicine is evicted in each round.
In the first round, all of the players answered the question correctly and brought OTEV to proper medicine. Kaycee was the last houseguest to deliver the medicine and is therefore eliminated from the competition. The second round sends Angela out of the comp. Next, Fessy is eliminated. Round four is a mess. Tyler was the first to return and Rockstar came up second. She asked Tyler if he had the same medicine as her which made Tyler realize he had chosen the wrong medicine. This mistake allowed Tyler time to go back and find the correct medicine bottle. Haleigh was eliminated as she was the last one to come back to OTEV’s house. The last round is now down to Rockstar and Tyler.
Rockstar is the first back to home base with her medicine bottle for OTEV. Unfortunately, she brought back the wrong medicine, but Tyler, arriving second, brought back the correct medicine. Therefore, Rockstar was eliminated from the comp, and Tyler won the golden Power of Veto. Level 6 rises to the challenge again.

HOH Haleigh suspects Tyler will use the POV and will take Angela off the block. Now Haleigh has to figure out who to put up on the block as Angela’s replacement that would be a bigger target than Rockstar in an attempt to save her from eviction. She doesn’t have many houseguests to chose from at this point in the game.
Power of Veto Ceremony
At the POV ceremony, Tyler does use the POV and takes Angela off the block. Haleigh, in return, places Kaycee back on the block for eviction. After all the dust has settled this week, the houseguests on the block for eviction are Rockstar and Kaycee. The Hive is in serious trouble at this point of the game. If they aren’t able to conjure up enough votes to save Rockstar and Haleigh’s HOH sends one of her own alliance members out the door, they don’t have much of a shot left in the Big Brother game. Level 6 will have the numbers to take off the remaining Hive members one by one.
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Join us again tomorrow at 8:00pm CST/9:00pm EST for the Big Brother 20 live eviction.