Big Brother After Dark is a series that airs each night on Pop TV and shows 3 hours of the Live Feeds Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday, 2 hours on Thursday and 4 hours on Tuesday. While the Live Feeds on the CBS website provide multiple feeds to be viewed, Big Brother After Dark chooses one feed to show at any given time. However, there are commercial breaks and there is some censoring of curse words and other antics (such as possible nudity). UPDATE: They don’t seem to be censoring language this year even though Pop TV Network is just a part of normal cable packages. Every curse word including the “f-bomb” was used repeatedly.

Big Brother After Dark will again be airing on the U.S. TV Network Pop TV. This has been confirmed via the TV Guide website as well as my own personal Verizon FiOS TV Schedule.
UPDATE: This article has been updated due to some schedule changes that were made, as well as to clarify the accurate schedule since the Pop TV website seems to have inaccurate information. It advertises the wrong start date (which is before the feeds even go live and before the second night of the premiere).
Based on the guides/schedules of several different cable providers, this is simply not the case. There will be 21 hours of Big Brother After Dark airing each week for 13 straight weeks. Please see the rest of the article for full details on the days and times the show will be airing
The Big Brother After Dark premiere episode will be aired Thursday, June 23rd at 10:00pm Pacific time (June 24th at 1:00am Eastern time). This is consistent with when the Big Brother Live Feeds are expected to be turned on. Most episodes subsequent to the premiere episode will air beginning at 9pm PT/12AM ET, except for Tuesdays starting at 8pm PT/11PM ET, and Thursdays starting at 10pm PT/1AM ET. All episodes will end at 12am PT/3am ET.
Note: the airing schedule according to the guide provided by your cable provider is always subject to change. If you have the show set to DVR, you should be able to edit your series to air “any time” instead of the time chosen. As soon as we are aware of any changes, we will make sure to bring you all of the updates. We have contacted Pop to confirm the schedule and have not received a response as of the publishing of this article.
According to a POP TV press release, the network will also be bringing back The Orwell Games, “a supercharged interactive BBAD challenge with fan-centric opinion polls, hashtag battles and insider trivia. Every Sunday and Thursday night throughout the summer, fans will be able to join The Orwell Games on Twitter and all while playing to win and become a “Verified Night Owl” to win a trip to L.A. to attend the season finale of Big Brother.”
Please note: there may be times where the episode is not live and is usually pre-recorded. This can happen in a case where there may be an unexpected eviction with a regularly scheduled Big Brother episode the following day, in order to avoid major spoilers.
Find out if POP TV is available in your area at their website. Enter your zipcode at the bottom of the home page to find what channel it is on where you live.
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