Remember Big Brother 17 alumni Meg Maley and James Huling, the most adorable not-couple ever? Well, the two of them have popped up again as guest contestants on Pop TV’s Easiest Game Show Ever. No surprise, considering that Pop TV is owned by CBS Corporation, which also owns Big Brother — and the network is fond of recycling their reality TV stars.

The Easiest Game Show Ever “gives contestants the chance to win up to $100,000 cash by answering 20 simple true or false statements about pop culture,” according to the show’s Facebook page. Hosted by actor and comedian Michael Ian Black, the series pretty much lives up to it’s name, as long as you are a decent pop culture buff.
Amusingly enough, the host actually mistakenly says Meg and James were on Big Brother 16. They were on season 17, of course, but apparently that wasn’t enough of a mistake to bother editing it out. With that kind of fail start, we are well prepared for watching Meg and James totally fail to win that $100,000 by answering a bunch of “simple” true/false questions. However, they did earn a little bit of cash.
Meg and James are decently funny to watch with their back and forth banter, reminding us why they were among the two most entertaining Houseguests on the Big Brother Live Feeds.
Click to watch the full episode online (pop-up window).