There are apparently a lot of handsome guys named Victor Arroyo out there, including several models. Which doesn’t make it very easy to track down background info on this Big Brother 18 houseguest, but we’ve done our best to dig up what we can. One thing we did find out is that Victor really likes taking selfies, especially ones that are this close to being adults only. Oh, and apparently his whole life seems to be pretty much focused around what he’s eating and how tight his abs are.
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Besides being a self-proclaimed ‘gym rat’ with a serious body obsession, Victor Arroyo III is also all about the ladies. In his CBS profile, he says one of his main strategies for Big Brother 18 is “wooing the girls and having them like me.” One girl lady won’t hold his attention for long, however because he’s “always looking for the next girl” and “never satisfied with what I have.” Showmance in the making? Very likely, unless he comes across just a bit too creepy and narcissistic, which could happen.
Official CBS Big Brother 18 Photos
* Click the thumbnails for bigger pics or to scroll through.

The Big Brother 18 ‘ladies man’ is currently living in the New Orleans area, but seems to spend quite a bit of time traveling around based on what we found on his social media accounts. Maybe all that working out and wandering around is why he doesn’t seem to know much about Big Brother other than maybe watching some of it after he was cast. Should be interesting to see how he handles life inside the hamster cage, especially with several other ‘hot’ guys in the house competing to try to manipulate the female houseguests with their biceps, or maybe those whirling hips.
im sorry but i love him #BB18 #Victor
— Frank (@HeadOfHouseHomo) June 18, 2016
Victor’s Facebook and Instagram feeds are basically just one long, endless stream of muscle-flexing selfies, workout routines, chatter about going to the gym, and photographing and eating various kinds of chicken. Among Victor’s likes are the Second Amendment, entertainer Lejuan James, road-tripping with friends, tattoos, and pulling down his pants/underwear to photograph his ‘V’ in the mirror.

There are a few photos of Victor doing some kind of modeling and he appears to be one of the extras in the music video below, but it doesn’t look like modeling is really a profession (unlike at least one other Victor Arroyo who appears to be a working model). According to his CBS profile, our Victor is a gym manager at an LA Fitness, which is probably a good career for him because he seems to spend more time working out than doing anything else in his entire life.
Victor Arroyo Photo Gallery (Sources: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
* Click the thumbnails for bigger pics or to scroll through.
More on Big Brother 18 cast member Victor Arroyo at
>> Big Brother Cast: Victor Arroyo – The Ladies Man
>> Big Brother 18 Showmances Heating Up! 6/28/2016
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