Big Brother 13 Episode 11: Nominations and HOH Results
On last night’s episode of Big Brother 13 on CBS, we saw a big shakeup in the house as the veterans alliance went all to hell and the new Head of Household went for blood. […]
On last night’s episode of Big Brother 13 on CBS, we saw a big shakeup in the house as the veterans alliance went all to hell and the new Head of Household went for blood. […]
On Thursday night’s episode of Big Brother 13 on CBS, we have a nasty eviction and our first endurance Head of Household competition! If you have been following the plotting in the house from previous episodes and on the Big Brother live feeds, you were probably already pretty sure who was going to get the boot tonight. […]
Last night’s episode of Big Brother 13 on CBS started off with Dominic believing that he is still safe despite being up on the eviction block with duo partner Adam. Adam, meanwhile, is also confident he is safe from elimination due to his wheeling and dealing with Brendon and Rachel. […]
Jordan Lloyd and boyfriend Jeff Schroeder were strangers when they first met on the set of Big Brother 11. The two quickly hit it off, however, and went on to become perhaps the most powerful alliance in the Big Brother 11 house. Jordan went on to win the $500,000 prize for Big Brother 11, while Jeff was evicted, but still won $25,000 as America’s Favorite Player that season. Cast as one of the returning ‘duos’ from past seasons on Big Brother 13, Jeff and Jordan are once again proving to be formidable players. […]
The Power of Veto Ceremony for Week 3 is over and done with at last. Considering the drama that has been going on in the house about who would be put up on the block next, we can’t wait to watch the fallout from the POV Ceremony on the Big Brother live feeds. […]
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