Big Brother 15 alum Helen Kim Fitzpatrick announced on Twitter that her beloved father died this past weekend. In her post, Helen called her late dad the “greatest father” and said she hoped to “always make you proud.”

Whether you loved her game play or hated it, Helen Kim was one of the most powerful players on Big Brother 15 for many weeks. The best thing about Helen on BB15, however, wasn’t her game play. We appreciated that she never gave up, no matter the odds, and most of the time, she kept it classy. (Everyone had their bad moments this season but Helen had fewer than most.) We are glad that Helen was able to spend some quality time after the show with her dad before his passing. From what she’s said, it sounds like he was a great guy and a wonderful father.
Rest In Peace to the greatest father. I hope to always make you proud.
— HelenKimFitzpatrick (@HelenKimFitz76) November 3, 2013