The Big Brother 15 cast HouseGuests kept up the whining, complaining and snarking about each other well into the overnight hours on the 2013 Big Brother Live Feeds. This is apparently what happens when the eviction for the week already seems to have been decided and no one — including the person being evicted — thinks there is anything that is going to change it. The Big Brother 2013 HouseGuests need danger and intrigue to keep them occupied, or they just start picking at each other like vultures!
WARNING: This report from the CBS Big Brother Live Feeds contains information and Big Brother spoilers about events that have not yet been aired on the prime time network show. Proceed with caution!
12:05 AM BBT: Kaitlin, Aaryn and GinaMarie (the Mean Girls) are bitching about Elissa in the hammock out in the backyard. Kaitlin says she is controlling the game. Elissa should have been out the first week but everyone is a pu**y in the house. They talk about Elissa making fun of GinaMarie and Nick. Kaitlin thinks McCrae won the last Most Valuable Player but GM and Aaryn don’t think so. Kaitlin says production is totally soaking up all the drama and it is going to be a “huge f**king week for TV” and it makes her feel almost like “it was rigged.” Aaryn chimes in, yeah, that Kaitlin won Power of Veto. She was also surprised Candice beat her. Kaitlin says “this game is not what we think it is.” GinaMarie says there is no way that “fat a** bitch” Candice beat her in the PoV.
12:25 AM BBT: Andy, Amanda and MCrae are talking about how to get Howard out next week and they think getting Kaitlin the Head of Household win is the best way to make this happen. Whichever player gets out Howard will be targeted by Candice. Andy wonders who Aaryn would put up and Amanda says it would be Candice and Howard. Andy laughs that this would make her look even worse with the racism thing and McCrae says he thinks Aaryn wouldn’t put them up together for that reason. Andy is concerned that Aaryn and Kaitlin want him out because he has been going behind their backs. McCrae says he is worried about that too. They pat each other on the back about the Goof Troup alliance.
12:45 AM BBT: McCrae, Amanda and Judd talk in the Lounge and discuss how annoying GinaMarie is. Like when she eats the Have Not food when she isn’t one, and all the crap about Nick. Andy comes in and Judd asks if he has noticed that GM eats the slop when she isn’t a Have Not and he says yes. Amanda (who is just weird, weird, weird) says that she hides the slop like it is a dead body. Judd complains about how Jeremy is always looking for someone to cook for him. Then they start talking about whether Howard tried to throw the Have Not competition. (He did.) Moving back to GinaMarie, they are all totally tired of her going on and on about Nick. They decide to take GM’s ‘Nick’ stuff and hide it from her for a laugh. Judd says they are all going to hell.
1:20 AM BBT: Kaitlin and Aaryn are in the pantry and Aaryn is looking at the package of condoms. She finds opened ones and is totally grossed out. She says there were 12 and now there are nine. (That’s a prank, someone screwed with the package… but we forget who.) They troll through the cupboard and find female condoms too. Aaryn is confused by them and talks about them being made for “butt sex” and they read the box out loud. They are screaming and squealing and acting like they are totally high. Seriously. Meanwhile, Jeremy is in the kitchen teasing GM about Nick and how there was never a HouseGuest named Nick, she’s losing her mind.
1:25 AMBBT: Judd comes in and Aaryn and Judd go off to the Kitchen and she can’t stop talking about the female condom. Aaryn wants to put it in someone’s bed. Judd says she should put it in Amanda’s bed. They go off to prank Amanda’s bed. Andy comes into the pantry where Judd and Aaryn are getting the condom and loses it over the instructions for using the thing. Aaryn is so amused with herself she can barely breathe. They go to the Have Not room to put the condoms and stuff under Amanda’s Have Not bed/chair with sauce on it. There is also something involving a carrot. You should just rewind the Big Brother Live Feeds for this whole fiasco.
2:20 AM BBT: A lot of back and forth teasing with Amanda, Andy, Aaryn and Gina about showmancing. Amanda teases GM about Nick. She says McCrae joked that he would carve her a ring out of soap and she was like, no. Out in the backyard, Spencer and Judd discuss whether there is an all girls alliance in the house. Judd thinks the votes will show if there is. Judd really hopes GM does not make it to jury because she hates him for voting against Nick.
2:30 AM BBT: Drama ensues when GM can’t find her precious Nick stuff and gets very upset. She goes after Aaryn wanting to know where the things are and Aaryn tells her she doesn’t know. Jessie goes to find Amanda and tells her that GM is crying. After she chills out, Amanda helps her find Nick’s stuff and says it was just a bad joke. Amanda says it was all Aaryn’s idea and Aaryn is like, it was not! Amanda asks GinaMarie if she knows Nick is not dead…
2:50 AM BBT: Spencer, Andy, McCrae, Judd and Amanda out in the backyard taking. Judd hopes GinaMarie doesn’t get more pissy with him thinking he is responsible for hiding her Nick stuff. Andy says Judd needs to chill. McCrae says he knew GM would get all upset and she’s so dramatic. Inside the house, Candice tells GM they should have a memorial service for Nick so she can let him go and they will put all his stuff in a drawer. Gina says she wants to keep one thing. Amanda teases GM that maybe he left his hat, sunglasses and stuff as some kind of a message. GM goes to bed and Amanda laughs about trying to get GM to think Nick left some sort of message.
3:25 AM BBT: Andy, Judd and Spencer play a game of “Marry, F**k, Kill” with the Memory Wall photos. Andy says he would “marry McCrae, f**k Nick and kill Jeremy.” They head off to bed while McCrae and Amanda hang out in the Lounge. She wants to know why he never really does anything physical with her and he says he is here to play the game, not be “that guy.”