Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Live Feeds Evening Report — 7/16/2013

The Big Brother 15 cast had quite a hard time dragging themselves out of bed this morning, that’s for sure. Finally they roused themselves but unfortunately they didn’t seem to have the energy to do anything all that interesting on the Big Brother Live Feeds for most of the morning. We did have a few alliance namings, more pissy slop-fed Amanda ranting, and yes, even more of GinaMarie and her freakish obsession and nervous breakdown over Nick being evicted.

7-16-2013 06-31-20 PM

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers of various kinds about game play, alliances, etc. from the CBS Big Brother Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the prime time network show. Please do skip away now if you don’t want this kind of information floating around in your head. Thanks!

11:15 AM BBT: The Big Brother cameras zoom in Amanda and McCrae’s airplane chairs/beds in the Have Not room and the condoms left under them by Aaryn and her prank buddies. It’s nasty.

7-16-2013 06-34-52 PM11:55 AM BBT: Jessie and Judd officially shake on and name their alliance “Tenexas” — which is terrible and we’re going to keep calling them Judsie or Double J. Something cooler than “Tenexas” at least. The HouseGuests think the next HoH Competition is going to be an endurance and Jessie is a little worried because her arm is really sore. They discuss how Kaitlin needs to be evicted before Aaryn is because she’s more dangerous.

12:10 PM BBT: Helen is worried she is having an allergic reaction on her neck or something. There is discussion about ringworm going around. Candice pipes up about her ‘down there’ area being really sensitive. We really, really never want to be locked in a house where this kind of talk happens. We prefer to watch from a safe distance…

12:20 PM BBT: Judd thinks Aaryn will probably coast through next week now that she’s not such a big target as she was. He tells her that Kaitlin is allied with Helen, Andy and Elissa in a final four deal and she needs to go. He says he would not promise to Helen not to put Kaitlin up if he wins HoH.

12:35 PM BBT: Amanda is being pissy about her slop diet again, complaining because someone threw out some fried slop. Andy says she needs to chill because she’s going to have a meltdown. Andy says that Amanda and McCrae look like homeless people and he doesn’t think McCrae has showered in days. Jessie calls Jeremy a douchebag.

7-16-2013 06-36-27 PM1:10 PM BBT: Jessie, Spencer and Andy continue to smack talk about Jeremy and Kaitlin. Jessie says it’s like all of a sudden their so in love and stuff. Jessie wonders who Kaitlin will target when Jeremy is voted out. Spencer thinks it will be Andy. Jessie finds Kaitlin a bit scary and she could have a really good social game when Jeremy is gone. Jessie complains about her shoulder again and says she feels useless. Andy says there is nothing to worry about with Kaitlin. Jessie says Kaitlin should be trying to hang out with other people.

1:15 PM BBT: Helen, Andy, Elissa, and Candice are in the kitchen. Jessie comes in and apologized for freaking out earlier about someone throwing out the fried slop. They are talking about Have/Have Nots. Elissa says she had terrible stomach pain from being a Have Not and almost wanted to go to the hospital when she could lay down for hours.

1:20 PM BBT: Howard and Candice hug in the bedroom. She asks him if he is okay and he says yes, he just wanted a hug.

7-16-2013 06-37-55 PM1:30 PM BBT: We hear porn music in our heads as Spencer rubs Jessie’s shoulders with lotion. At the pool, Aaryn talks about how hot and tan she is. Meanwhile, Candice talks to GinaMarie about the Nick memorial service. When GM leaves, Candice speculates about Nick, wondering why he never talked about sex or dating and maybe he was married. Elissa wonders if they really knew anything about him.

1:45 PM BBT: Spencer and Howard are now talking about the memorial for Nick so that GinaMarie can get over it and put his stuff away she’s so attached to.

1:50 PM BBT: Andy, Candice and Spencer are at the Memory Wall and he is saying which HGs he would f**k. Candice asks what about Howard? Doesn’t he want the “black thunder?” Andy says he isn’t really attracted to black guys or Asians. Spencer says Andy should remember he is on the Big Brother Live Feeds right now. Andy says he didn’t say anything wrong, he’s just not attracted to those types. Candice says there isn’t anything wrong with that.

2:05 PM BBT: Helen is working on her Head of Household blog.

2:20 PM BBT: Aaryn is pissy about GinaMarie ignoring her attempts to make her feel better about Nick’s eviction. Judd says he is tired of it too.

7-16-2013 06-41-52 PM2:30 PM BBT: Time for HoH pictures and Helen takes the camera around the house. She takes a picture of Andy hiding around a corner because he’s the house sneak ninja. Meanwhile, Amanda wakes up and finds the nasty condoms covered in sauce under the Have Not airplane seat beds. McCrae says Judd did it and Amanda takes the stuff to show Jeremy.

2:45 PM BBT: The decision is made to postpone the whole Nick memorial thing because GinaMarie is still too ‘fragile’ about him leaving. The HGs are put on indoor lockdown.

3:20 PM BBT: It’s GinaMarie, all night, all day. Amanda is like, GM doesn’t even know this guy. Andy thinks all her drama over his eviction is totally ridiculous. The HGs are switched to an outdoor lockdown. Amanda asks Judd what was in the condoms she found. He says he doesn’t know what she is talking about. Amanda asks what the female condom was for and Andy says it is for eating out a girl or butt sex. Everyone is really annoyed about GM and her Nick obsession. Speaking of which, GM is over in the pool with Helen, Jeremy and Kaitlin… talking about Nick.

3:45 PM BBT: Amanda says she’s almost out of cigarettes, which should freak everyone out considering how bitchy she is just being on slop. She says she’ll use nicotine patches and bum off McCrae, but we’re concerned she may turn homicidal. Aaryn asks McCrae if he found the condoms in the Have Not room and he’s like, you are a dirty f**ker Aaryn. She says no, it wasn’t her, it was Judd. (Liar!) The lockdown ends.

7-16-2013 07-07-26 PM4:15 PM BBT: Andy and Elissa talk in the HoH room about Rachel Reilly. He wants to know how often the sisters hang out. Elissa says they talk a lot on the phone and Skype. They apparently have a website together, Adventures4Pets. Elissa says she is thankful for all of Rachel and Brenden’s fans voting for her.

Elissa and Andy talk about an alliance name for them (Andy, Elissa, Amanda, McCrae, Helen and Judd). Amanda suggest The Knockouts, which is the fake alliance name the Goof Troop (Andy, Amanda, Judd and McCrae) decided to use when including other people in the ‘alliance’. McCrae comes in and helps seal the deal for the name of the “larger” alliance that includes the Goof Troop members, unbeknownst to the others. Helen comes in and she loves the new name.

They all start talking about the HoH Competition. Judd comes in and they ‘reveal’ the alliance name to him and he’s like, yeah, I like that. (Insert eye roll.) They discuss how they will ‘handle’ the HouseGuests not in the alliance. Judd will handle Jessie, Amanda will handle Aaryn, McCrae will handle Spencer, and Helen will handle GinaMarie. Helen hopes Howard and Spencer will be loyal to them for now. They move on to GinaMarie being annoying about Nick’s eviction, Nick being shady and some other random junk.

5:00 PM BBT: Kaitlin says her broken sunglasses were a gift so she doesn’t care about them. He asks if it was someone special. She says, “not anymore…”

5:30 PM BBT: Amanda wonders why if Howard thinks Aaryn is a racist, he has been spending so much time with her. Elissa says she doesn’t even want to talk to Aaryn because of the things she’s said.

7-16-2013 07-09-52 PM5:40 PM BBT: Aaryn is worried about how she is being perceived in the real world because of all the racism talk. (About time!) Jeremy says if anything happens out there, all she has to do is call and he’ll be at her door in a couple of hours. He says he’s “too close” to her to let anything bad happen. (If Kaitlin had gotten the boot before Jeremy, we so know these two would have hooked up next.) Aaryn says she thinks the other side of the house is going to try to drive a wedge between her, GinaMarie and Kaitlin. Jeremy says they can beat them because they won’t always have the numbers on their side.

6:10 PM BBT: Finally we have some campaigning going on! Jeremy talks to Andy and says he has Amanda, McCrae and Judd on board to vote for him to stay. Interesting…


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