Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 9 Power of Veto Ceremony Results!


Head of Household Elissa Slater has made it perfectly clear what she wants to happen this week but that hasn’t keep the other Big Brother 15 cast members from doing everything possible to change her mind. Just yesterday, Amanda Zuckerman resorted to extreme behavior in an attempt to regain control of the house and influence the Power of Veto Ceremony results today. Was she successful in making it turn out how she wanted, or is Elissa going to go down as the first HoH pretty much all season to act independently?

If you haven’t caught up yet with what happened on the Big Brother Live Feeds on Sunday, we urge you to rewind and skim through the crazy drama of the day — it was outrageous in the house yesterday! For a quick overview and relevant time points to rewind back to, you can check out our Sunday Live Feeds highlights report and read up on some of the major insanity going on. If you don’t have the feeds yet, you are seriously missing out as the action ramps up more as the number of HouseGuests dwindle. You can still get in on a two-day free trial and watch all the fun from Sunday right now below.

>> Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Final Month of Fabulous Drama Dirt Cheap! <<

We’ve been waiting anxiously since the Power of Veto Competition on Saturday to find out what would happen at the Veto Ceremony today. So we’re very happy to finally have the Big Brother spoilers on the results to share with you right now. Just scroll on past our SPOILER ALERT! banner below to find out what happened!

On Saturday, Amanda won the Power of Veto Competition — her first win of any competition this season. So, naturally, we knew going in to the Veto Ceremony today that she would save showmance boyfriend McCrae Olson from the block, leaving Aaryn Gries as the primary target for eviction.

Yesterday, while Amanda was torturing Elissa endlessly all day long, we pretty much got confirmation on the Big Brother Live Feeds that Andy Herren would be the replacement nominee. Andy was immediately panicked with the thought that he might get evicted instead of Aaryn. However, he has been campaigning hard and as of last night, appeared to have the votes to stay thanks to a a last minute alliance with Judd, GinaMarie and Spence.

According to ‘The Exterminators’ agreement, they will all vote against Aaryn this week instead of whichever of the four of them ended up on the block against her. Now, the big question is, of course, whether GinaMarie is telling the truth when she says she is in the game for herself and will vote against Aaryn because Elissa wants her to.

At the Veto Ceremony today, Elissa proved she is not going listen to anyone else this week and she’s going to do exactly what the hell she wants. She went right ahead and put Andy up against Aaryn, with the intention of getting out Aaryn… but not feeling bad at all about it if Andy ends up being the one who gets the boot.

Andy is naturally freaking out all over the place and he still doesn’t quite get why he went up on the block. We get it Andy, even if you don’t. If Elissa put anyone else up against Aaryn, McCrae and Amanda would vote to get them out instead. Elissa wants Aaryn out, out, out. If she’s wrong about the house voting out Aaryn, well, tough luck for you.

Should be an interesting day on the Feeds watching the aftermath of the Veto Ceremony and trying to figure out exactly where everyone’s true loyalties lie before the eviction on Thursday!

Stay tuned for all the latest Big Brother 2013 Live Feeds spoilers and highlights coming to you right here at! Or take the plunge yourself and try out a two-day free trial to see all the 24/7 uncensored action inside the house day and night.


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