Big Brother 15’s GinaMarie Zimmerman Single “Open Book” Preview [VIDEO]

Did you know Big Brother 15 HouseGuest GinaMarie Zimmerman is a singer as well as a former pageant queen? We heard her briefly burst into song a few times on the Big Brother Live Feeds but music is not allowed in the house so it was always quickly cut off. So we never really got to hear whether she is actually any good or not. Well, now you can listen in below to a preview of her new song, “Open Book,” and decide for yourself.

GinaMarie Zimmerman "Open Book" single cover - Source: Darknite Studios
GinaMarie Zimmerman “Open Book” single cover – Source: Darknite Studios

GinaMarie’s new single, recorded at Darknite Studios in Whitestone, NY, is due out on iTunes at Thanksgiving. We guess some of those second place prize winnings must have gone to studio time and some fancy graphics work. Hope it turns out to be worth it. The song is written and produced by DJ Giovanni, DJ Uch and DJ Billy Brown.

From the preview video below, the track basically sounds like a lot of beat with GM talking in kind of a monotone through most of it. Since the preview video only had a tiny taste of the new single, we’re hoping it will actually include… well, some singing, some rapping, some kind of hook to bring it to life or something. 

Just saying words over a repetitive beat with some whiny electronica effects does not make it music. GinaMarie and the DJs seem very excited about it. So we guess we’ll reserve judgement until we actually get to hear to full track.


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