The first official Big Brother 16 spoilers have been revealed and we think the producers have gone totally crazy! Big Brother 2014 host Julie Chen made the big reveal on The Talk on Wednesday afternoon. Although we did not, unfortunately, find out anything at all about the Big Brother 16 cast, there was plenty of other shocking info about the new season to process!

The biggest Big Brother spoilers revealed by Julie Chen is that there will be TWO Heads of Households each week on season 16. And each of the Heads of Household will nominate two people for eviction, giving us FOUR nominees each week.
This kind of setup screams to us that there will be some kind of team versus team going on. Two parallel games going on at the same time in the same house. Well, at least for a while. We guess that at some point they will have to have to cut that down to one as there are less people in the house. Maybe some kind of Survivor-style tribal merge?
To make this even more wild, the two HoHs will NOT be safe. They will have to go head to head in a new competition called ‘Battle of the Block’ to determine which one of them will be exempt from elimination. We have no idea how this is all going to work. We’re already confused by the whole idea of having two HoHs, and four nominees every week.
Although Julie Chen did not give us any clues about the makeup of the new cast, we could still see this twist easily playing into a ‘Blood vs. Water’ or ‘veterans versus newbies’ style theme this season. We also feel like there will be some kind of voting involved in splitting the house into teams.
Too many questions still not answered! All we know is that our head is already spinning and we haven’t even had the Big Brother 16 cast reveal yet!
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