This week on Big Brother 17 has been quite a roller coaster ride. The possible target for eviction has been talked about endlessly, with three different Houseguests in the bullseye at one point or another.

Now that we’ve finally arrived at eviction day, it’s finally clear who is going to be evicted on Big Brother tonight. Now we have to determine which Houseguests are most likely to be running the house next week, and which ones are dangerously near to going home next.
1. Austin Matelson – What? Austin? Yes, Austin. His gameplay is actually flourishing and he’s in a good position. The best thing Austin ever did was building trust with James, Meg and players like John. He has three targets in front of him, Liz, Julia and Vanessa, who James, Meg, John may target before him. Also we can’t ignore Austin is the only houseguest not to be nominated and that makes him deserving of the number one spot this week.
2. Meg Maley – Simply here for the reason that no one is going to evict her and I forgot which player stated it, but “If you sit next to Meg, you go home”. I think it’s a pretty pawn or a death sentence. The houseguest really should have evicted her in week two because as long as Meg doesn’t win anything she looks so less threatening and will keep on surviving. Her game is pretty much Big Brother survival and its working.
3. Julia Nolan – Julia kind of like Meg is less threatening for the houseguest because she has not done anything to appear threatening. Julia hasn’t even participated in a POV yet this season and despite being part of the twin twist she has laid back. Liz is the likely target before her, so that’s good news for this twin.
4. Steve Moses – I don’t think anyone is going to target Steve minus James and Meg if they get an HOH, but what are the odds of a Meg HOH? James could consider throwing him up, but James also broke his deal with Clay and Shelli. Steve is pretty much safe going into this week and I would not be shocked if he threw HOH, but he does want to get James out. Steve needs to break away from protecting the Austin/Twins trio because they aren’t protecting him long-term.
5. Liz Nolan – Liz is a very competitive girl, but if the underdogs get control of HOH I think she’s a huge target to go on the block and if things go wrong like Vanessa winning HOH she will likely head out the door. But for Liz, she has two people who would use the POV on her if they won and its Austin & Julia. This trio is extremely threatening together and if James, Meg and John have a talk they can see how these three are deadly together in the game. Liz has the least relationships with them, so that is why she would be targeted first.
6. Johnny Mac – John needs an HOH win like TODAY! He was super close back-to-back weeks, so I feel he is due to win one. He wants to make that power move to take out Vanessa and despite her wanting to work with him it’s for the best. Moving forward John is running out of allies because Steve is not going to take him to the end because he doesn’t think he can beat him. He needs to work on that loyalty with Meg and James because those three only have one another at this point.
7. Vanessa Rousso – Her own alliance hates her which is why she is so low. Austin and Liz have no plans for protecting her any longer. Julia is her only hope of staying in the game and she may even throw HOH this week. Vanessa has been in a bad position and I do not see that situation improving. Her best move if the other side gets power this week is to throw Austin, Julia and Liz under the bus as a trio to save her own game.
8. James Huling – James is going to be a huge target this week, barring an HOH win by him or his ally Meg. Steve is out for his blood and Vanessa would love to weaken James/Meg with the possibility of Jackie or Meg coming back into the game. But for James, he needs to put less trust in Austin and stop ignoring that the Twins can be beat in competitions because Liz is competitive and threatening long-term for his game.
9. Becky Burgess – Becky was really lucky to survive an additional week in the house because John saved her by winning POV in the double eviction. I feel she is leaving because Vanessa sees through her and knows she wants her out. The houseguests don’t think much of her gameplay wise and failing to get Vanessa out made her the entire target of the Austwins plus Vanessa. Becky also has a toe injury and she should have campaigned stating “I can’t win anything”, but oh well.
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