The Big Brother spoilers are in for the third Battle of the Block competition of the season! Did anyone throw the competition? Who is safe, who has been dethroned, and who remains on the block during the third week of Big Brother 17? See below to find out more.

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!
Feeds are back, and it’s clear that Meg and Jason won the Battle of the Block! And as a result, Austin was dethroned and Vanessa remains the Head of Household for the week!
The competition apparently involved party goers, foam, and matching clothing. The houseguests were able to interact with people other than each other briefly. They were also given champagne, and it was clear when feeds got back that a few of the houseguests had a little too much to drink! According to various houseguests, it wasn’t even close, Meg and Jason won with flying colors!
John told Vanessa he didn’t even need to do anything because James was not doing well in the competition. The current plan is to leave James as a target but if the Power of Veto is used, Jeff looks to be the replacement target. But whispers and rumors are running rampant, and it’s anyone’s guess what the coming days have in store for the houseguests!
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