The Big Brother spoilers are in for the second Nomination Ceremony of the season! Did everything go according to plan? And who will be competing in the second Battle of the Block Competition in Big Brother 17? See below to find out more.

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!
Heads of Household Becky and Shelli were told they would only have a few hours to make their nominations, so we’ve had quite a night of scrambling thus far. In the madness of everything going on, Have Nots were also named: Meg, Jason, James, and Steve, all of whom volunteered.
After that, the Heads of Household were meeting with individuals to determine what was in their best interest. Both Becky and Shelli were planning nominations strategically so that they could keep backdoor options open and have someone on the block that they believe to be expendable.
In accordance with what was laid out before the feeds went to fish, Becky nominated Steve and Jason, and Shelli nominated Da’Vonne and John. Shelli and Clay approached John to throw the Battle of the Block Competition if he was to be nominated, despite her and Becky agreeing that they wouldn’t ask anyone to throw the Battle of the Block. We’ll see as the developments unfold but I’m sure word will get around what the various plans are.
Things are going to be interesting, so make sure you catch us on Twitter for the latest Live Feeds updates!
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