The Big Brother spoilers were absolutely insane coming off the Live Feeds this weekend! Even with a whole handful of Tweeters trying to keep up with the crazy Big Brother 17 cast, we had a hard time following all the wackiness going on. The current eviction plan may still be in place for now, but anything could change between now and the live show on Thursday.

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!
12:00 AM BBT: Audrey, Meg, and James have been going at in the Head of Household room. James is very worried about how Jace learned the lyrics to the eviction nomination song he was going to sing when he put Jace up — but then didn’t end up singing. Audrey tried to throw everyone else she could under the bus. James brings Da’Vonne and Clay up to interrogate them as well, but nothing gets resolved.
12:15 AM BBT: James, Da’Vonne, Clay, Audrey, and Jason are still talking about there being a leaker. James says someone in their group is a rat and they have a problem. They are worried about Jace saying he is going to go after people and do crazy stuff before he leaves.
12:40 AM BBT: Liz and Austin talk in the pantry. They believe there is nothing they can do to keep Jace from being evicted this week. They both agree they can’t campaign to keep Jace because it will just make them bigger targets and they have to lay low.
Meanwhile, Jason, Meg, and James meet in the bedroom to talk more about the leaker. They all think it’s Audrey. They each throw out reasons why they think it has to be here that is spilling information outside of their group. Jason says he talked to Clay earlier and Clay doesn’t trust Audrey either.
Up in the HoH room, Clay and Audrey talk and she tells him that the only person she shared the song with was Vanessa. They decide they need to talk to Vanessa about leaking the song to Jace.
12:48 AM BBT: Audrey tells Jason that James told her he is just going to drop it about the song. Audrey points to Jason and tells him that Jace just said it was him who told him the song. Jason says that Jace can eat a d*ck and he will f*cking Chima his a**! Audrey says Jace told her directly that it was Jason who told him the song. Audrey is laughing and says she was just kidding. It’s all just a joke, but kind of an uncomfortable one.
1:00 AM – Jason tells Clay they know that it was Audrey who leaked the song to Jace. Clay thinks they just need to let it go. Jason leaves and Audrey comes in. He says they know it was her who did it but they are going to drop it. She says she doesn’t think they really are going to drop it because they are already treating her differently. She says she is going to try to lay low and stay out of the social game a bit.
Audrey and Clay go outside and join Da’Vonne, Jeff, Steve, Hason, and Meg around the hot tub talking random stuff.
Inside, Jace tells Shelli in the bathroom that he is going to make sure everyone knows who is really calling the shots inside the house before he leaves.
1:35 AM BBT: Jackie and Jeff talk about Audrey causing too many problems in the house. Jackie says Audrey is always in the middle of everything. Jeff says they need to get Austin and Audrey out. He thinks they can use Audrey for a while, and they really need Austin out first. Jeff shoves ice cream in his face the entire time like a starving man.
Meanwhile, Jace campaigns to Clay trying to get his support. Clay says he doesn’t know about that. Jace swears he can get five votes and he would be totally loyal to Clay if he would sign on.
1:45 AM BBT: More talk from Jason and James about Audrey being a rat. They have to be very careful what they tell her.
In another conversation, James tells Jackie she needs to be careful with the group. She asks if he means Audrey and he says wow, you picked her right away. Jackie says Audrey is always lying and being in the middle of everything. Jeff comes over and says they should use Audrey to get Austin out.
2:00 AM BBT: Jace and Audrey talk in the bedroom. She says she is going to try to lay low for a few days. Jace says he is not going to give up and just go home without fighting. Shelli pipes in that he should stay positive and not go negative.
2:15 AM BBT: Jace campaigns to Steve to try to get his vote. He swears he would be loyal to him and he needs him. Steve says he wants him hear but he can’t swear to vote for him. Jace leaves and Steve tells the cameras that he wants Jace to stay and he wants Jackie to go.
2:30 AM BBT: Bunch of HGs in the backyard chatting about random stuff. Meanwhile, Shelli, Audrey, and Clay talk in the bedroom. They want to name their own alliance. They don’t really settle on a real name before Audrey gets called to the Diary Room.
2:50 AM BBT: Steve and Da’Vonne talk in the backyard. Da’Vonne says someone tried to throw him under the bus to protect themselves. He says he can guess who that was.
Jeff tells James and Meg that Liz said she wanted to stay away from Audrey. James thinks Audrey could be a saboteur.
3:25 AM BBT: James, Meg, and Jeff are outside in the hammock and talking about Audrey being the leak. Jeff has already shared his concerns with Jackie and told her to keep clear of Audrey. James wants to know what they should do about this rat problem.
3:38 AM BBT: Jeff and Meg laugh together in the outside hammock. A bit of flirting going on? They head off to bed.
4:00 AM BBT: Audrey, Da’Vonne and Audrey talk. Audrey says she didn’t get to do the Rachel Reilly interviews because her transgender story broke on TMZ and her media interviews got cut off. Big Brother cuts the Feeds, of course. Not supposed to talk about such things!
That’s a wrap for the Sunday night/Monday morning overnight report. Be sure to catch us on Twitter for the latest Live Feeds updates all day and all night!
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