We’re just one day away from the Big Brother 16 premiere! We are crazed with excitement about the Big Brother 2014 premiere and can’t wait to find out what insanity CBS has in store for us this season. We’re sure the Houseguests are even more amped up than we are to get his party started.

In advance of the CBS Big Brother season 16 two-part premiere on Wednesday and Thursday night, the network has released several more new promos and commercials. In one of them, we were actually amused to see that CBS actually forced the poor Houseguests to sing… very… badly. Naturally, our future prima donna of BB16, Frankie J. Grande, attempted to steal the show.
We actually find this terribly cheesy commercial for the Big Brother 2o14 premiere doubly funny because, as most fans know, they aren’t allowed to sing or listen to music inside the house. Except for the HoH, who gets one CD to listen to while they are in the HoH room. But they still aren’t allowed to sing so they don’t violate anyone’s copyrights.
Here’s another non-singing Big Brother 2014 premiere promo to enjoy as well:
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