Who won Head of Household on Big Brother 16 tonight? Well, we were kind of hoping to see Derrick, Donny, Nicole, or maybe Christine or Hayden land in power just to see what kind of fun chaos that might cause in the house. We were really wishing that it would NOT be Caleb, Frankie, or Victoria. Especially not Caleb! We’ve kind of had enough of him right now and would like the cameras to take a break from him for a while.

At the Head of Household Competition for week 2, the Houseguests had to depend a whole lot on luck to do well. Although there was some aspect of skill to the game, an hour’s worth of practice last night really didn’t give anyone the chance to really learn how to play it well. Especially since the actual production build of the competition was a lot different from the sketchy practice set they had to play with on Wednesday evening.
In the Big Brother Head of Household Competition for this week, the HGs were asked to use large mallets to whack big balls around obstacles to reach a goal and score points. Last night, some of the Big Brother 16 cast thought perhaps Zach might do well because he plays golf. For us, it just looked like it was going to mostly be kind of random chance who won.
We actually kind of like this type of competition because it sort of evens the playing field. You don’t have to be strong to win, or little to hold out in an endurance competition, or even all that bright. You just have to be lucky enough to hit the ball the right way, at the right angle, and win the most points. So no one really has a big advantage over anyone.
When it came down to the real competition tonight, it turns out that Zach’s golf game didn’t do him very much good. In fact, we are delighted that two of the people we were really hoping would come out on top nabbed the wins!
At the Head of Household Competition, called Underwater Polo, the Houseguests had to step up and hit one ball down an obstacle course of sea creatures to try to get it in slots with labelled points. The two with the highest points won.
Big Brother Head of Household Competition: “Underwater Polo”
Amber – 17
Cody – 17
Caleb – 21
Frankie – 24
(Cody and Amber are out)
Christine – 4 (she’s out)
Nicole – 29
(Caleb is out)
Victoria – 12 (she’s out)
Brittany – 16 (she’s out)
Zach – 8 (he’s out)
Donny – 20 (he’s out)
Hayden – 17 (he’s out)
Jocasta – 22 (she’s out)
Derrick – 28
(Frankie is out)
Derrick and Nicole are the new Heads of Household for week 2!