Big Brother 16 on CBS continues tonight following a dramatic, live double eviction this past Thursday. Tonight, we see the Head of Household competition, whom the new HOHs choose to nominate, and the Battle of the Block competition.

Last Thursday on Big Brother 16, Jocasta was the first Houseguest to be evicted of the night and the first member of the nine-member jury. Julie Chen shocked the house by proclaiming that just because you leave the Big Brother 16 house, you’re not out of the game yet.
After Jocasta left the house, Caleb became the sole Head of Household by actually being able to do math. He nominated Donny and Hayden. Donny, the king of the Power of Veto, won yet another golden necklace and removed himself from the block. Caleb nominated Nicole in his place and the house sent Hayden packing in a 5-2 vote.
Nicole quickly melted down after the double eviction concluded and Hayden walked out the door. She called out Christine and Frankie for turning their backs on the four-person alliance with Hayden. Frankie claims that Nicole offered it to him and he turned it down.
Zach quickly sees through Frankie’s lies and realizes that Nicole is likely telling the truth. He continues to stir the pot and aggravate Nicole, however. Meanwhile, Frankie’s closest allies began to question his true allegiance after Hayden through him under the bus.
For the Head of Household competition, the Houseguests went head-to-head in a tournament-style competition in which they had to figure out a series of puzzles.
Nicole became the first Head of Household by beating out Victoria. Christine became the second as Zach simply guessed on the question and got it wrong.
Frankie admitted to Nicole that he and Christine worked with the other side of the house, completely throwing Christine under the bus. Speaking of being under the bus, Zach completely blew up the Bomb Squad to Nicole and Nicole confirmed her four-person alliance earlier.
Nicole chooses to place her trust in Derrick, which fits nicely with Derrick’s mastermind plans. She proposes that she put up Caleb with Frankie so that Caleb can throw the competition. Caleb agrees to it.
At the nomination ceremony, Christine nominated Donny and Zach while Nicole nominated Caleb and Frankie per the plan.
At the Battle of the Block, CBS created a very nice cross-promotional NFL-themed set. The winners of the competition will leave the house and have an authentic tailgate party.
On the set of the Battle of the Block, Frankie realizes that Caleb is going to throw it. Frankie tries to convince him otherwise and Caleb told him flat out that he would throw it because he ruined everyone’s trust.
Zach and Donny took an early lead, but Frankie caught up and pulled ahead. Frankie won the Battle of the Block and pulled himself and Caleb off the block. Christine remains Head of Household while Zach and Donny remain on the block.