The first Power of Veto (PoV) competition of the summer has just concluded, and we have the results! NOTE: The following information has not yet aired on Big Brother on CBS.

In case you missed what’s happened so far, here’s a brief recap: Frankie became the first Head of Household (HoH) from the first group of eight Houseguests to enter the house. Shortly thereafter, Caleb became the second HoH. Each HoH nominated two Houseguests for eviction: Frankie nominated Brittany and Victoria while Caleb nominated Donny and Paola. Each HoH chose their nominees based on who dropped first in the HoH competitions.
The four nominees then competed as duos in the new Battle of the Block competition. Brittany and Victoria won, saving them from the block and dethroning Frankie has a HoH in the process. Caleb remained the sole HoH and Donny and Paola stayed on the block.
Yesterday, they picked players for the PoV competition. The HoH and the two nominees drew for players and picked Zach, Cody, and Victoria.
We now know the results of the first PoV competition of the summer: Donny has won the first Power of Veto of the summer! He will obviously take himself off the block. It will remain to be seen who Caleb nominates in his place.