Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds gave us a pretty clear idea of who will be evicted on the show Thursday night but it’s never official until the votes are counted! Even so, despite Team America’s mission this week to throw a couple of votes against the house, we thought there was little chance it would be enough to change who goes home on Big Brother 16 tonight.

During the live Big Brother eviction results on Thursday night, there were only nine votes to be cast. So there was be no opportunity for Frankie as Head of Household to throw in his vote in case of a tie. Although that was highly unlikely anyway. Thus, it was up to Donny and Derrick to cast the two votes “against the house” required to complete their secret mission this week. The problem with the mission wasn’t the votes though, it was that all three of them would also have to participate in “accusing” some other Houseguest/s of the rogue votes. That could put them in danger of messing up their own games, and Donny in particular was really not into the idea. So Team America abandoned their mission this week, although Derrick and Frankie pretty much put all the blame on Donny for not wanting to mess up his game. Caleb apparently finally decided he was over Amber enough to abandon her completely and he didn’t give her a vote either. So by a vote of 9 to zero, Amber Bortzotra was the one who got evicted on Big Brother 2014 this week.
Big Brother 2014 Week 5 Votes:
- Cody votes to evict: Amber
- Nicole votes to evict: Amber
- Hayden votes to evict: Amber
- Derrick votes to evict: Amber (Derrick apologizes for Team America and blames it all on Donny)
- Caleb votes to evict: (sadly, sadly, his beautiful girl) Amber
- Christine votes to evict: Amber
- Victoria votes to evict: (the fakest of them all) Amber
- Zach votes to evict: (gladly) Amber
- Donny votes to evict: Amber (he says sorry to America about the mission, too risky)