The Big Brother 16 spoilers are in from tonight’s live eviction show and the results will probably come as a surprise to virtually no one. You would have had to be hiding under a rock this week not to know who the house wanted out and how far they would go to make it happen.

After absolutely wrecking his own game in more ways than we can count, it was a painful but almost predictable road to the eviction block this week. The house, with Derrick as the winning final Head of Household, was almost totally behind getting him out.
The plan to backdoor Devin without even a chance to play in the Power of Veto Competition didn’t quite work out. He was randomly selected as one of the extra players and very nearly won the whole thing. But a bold decision by Donny in the PoV Competition to go head to head with the big guy won the day for everyone.
Thankfully, Donny is far more trustworthy than his former ‘Double Ds’ alliance member Devin. He ended up using the Power of Veto he won to take Jocasta off the block as he promised. Which paved the way for Derrick to put up Devin as the replacement nominee this week.
After that, it was pretty much over and done. There was really just no way Devin was going to flip the vote enough to save himself from going home.
Big Brother 16 Week 3 Eviction Vote:
- Jocasta votes to evict Devin
- Donny votes to evict Devin
- Nicole (happily) votes to evict Devin
- Hayden votes to evict Devin
- Zach votes to evict Devin
- Cody votes to evict Devin
- Victoria (happily) votes to evict (devil) Devin
- Frankie votes to evict Devin and says Julie looks “ravishing”
- Amber votes to evict Devin
- Christine (gladly) votes to evict Devin
- Brittany votes to evict Devin
So in a vote of 11 to 0 Devin is the one who went home on Big Brother tonight in the week 3 eviction.