Big Brother 23 Live Feeds officially kicked off last night around 12:40 pm EST. These Big Brother 23 houseguests wasted no time getting into the gaming spirit. We had our first big alliance form, some hints of possible showmances, and a Big Brother backdoor plan is already in motion. It’s only day 1 in the Big Brother 2021 house but it feels like a week has passed.
On Wednesday night’s Big Brother premiere episode, Brandon “Frenchie” French became the first Head of Household of the season. Now Frenchie must figure out who to target in the next few days, when there is not much info to help him decide who to target. However, Frenchie, as a super fan, wants to stop any showmances from happening this year. He wants to be known as the “showmance killer.” Let’s explore some of the main events from night 1 of the Big Brother 23 live feeds.
Frenchie Wants To Target A Man
Frenchie promised the women that he doesn’t want or plan to nominate them this week. He mentioned wanting to take out one of the jocks or someone who could potentially have a showmance. He mentioned seeing showmance potential in Whitney Williams and Brent Champagne, and Alyssa Lopez and Travis Long.
Frenchie also wants to be a bit showy this week by nominating two pawns and backdooring someone. Derek Fraiser talked to Alyssa earlier in the night about being worried about Travis and Derek Xiao and their potential to get a big male-dominant alliance going against everyone else. Frenchie also discussed with Tiffany Mitchell and Whitney that they should form an alliance because they’re all parents.
Frenchie will likely make Travis or Brent his backdoor target, and it seems a bit likely that it might be Brent to keep Whitney loyal to his side.
Derek X and Travis Discussed A Big Alliance
The bros have already bonded, specifically Derek X, Travis, Christian Birkenberger, Brent, and Kyland Young-to a lesser degree. Derek and Travis already seem close and have discussed starting a big alliance. They possibly want to add Claire Rehfuss and Hannah Chaddha into this proposed alliance.
Christian also talked to Britini D’Angelo about maybe forming an eight person alliance, but Christian thought that was too many. Five seemed like a better number to him. However, no official alliance has been created by these men yet, but likely they will form something by the end of the week, if not day.
The First Official Alliance Formed
Frenchie formed the first official Big Brother 23 alliance called “The SlaughterHouse.” It consists of him, Britini, Derek F, Hannah, Claire, and Azah Awasum. It’s still only day one in the Big Brother 2021 house, so we’ll have to wait and see if this alliance can go the distance.
Other Notable Things:
- Alyssa was sick, but didn’t want people to feel sorry for her.
- Alyssa wants to keep her superfan status a secret but disclosed this to Frenchie.
- Britini seems to be a highly sought after player because she was mentioned in at least three possible alliances.
- Frenchie got his HOH room.
- Lots of day one bonding.
- The Have-Not room was revealed and it’s a boathouse.
The next episode of Big Brother 23 airs on Sunday, July 11, but there will be plenty of events before the episode. Today or tomorrow, the Big Brother 23 Wildcard competition plays out, which could grant another player safety. Then we will have nominations and the Power of Veto competition. We’re in for an exciting first few days of the Big Brother 23 live feeds.
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