Big Brother 25 Power of Veto Week 10 Competition Results (10/07/23)

Big Brother 24 Big Brother Power of Veto

The unexpected has happened. Bowie is considering backdooring Cameron this week. We didn’t think it would happen after she was so against the idea yesterday. She didn’t shut down the idea but she seemed set on taking out Felicia or Cirie this Big Brother 25 week.

However, things are moving in the direction of a Cameron backdoor. He was not picked to play in this week’s Big Brother 25 Power of Veto Competition. This makes the possibility of Cameron’s eviction pretty high this week.  It would just depend on if Head of Household Bowie doesn’t change her mind about backdooring him.

It would also depend on if Cameron isn’t able to sway the house to keep him in the game, if he ends up on the block. This Power of Veto Competition almost doesn’t matter because almost everyone playing in it would use it on one of the nominees to backdoor Cameron.

The only chance it may not get used is if Bowie decides to not follow through with the plan. If she wins it, she could decide not to use it. She could also try to convince the other Veto players, who aren’t nominees, to not use it. 

So this decision is still developing but right now, whoever wins this Zingbot Power of Veto Competition will likely use the Veto. The players chosen this morning were Matt, Jag, and America. 

Zingbot plus a potential backdoor may make this an interesting Big Brother 25 week. So who won this week’s Big Brother 25 Power of Veto Competition? Read below to find out.



Jag won the Veto! Jag is becoming a bit of a Veto king. If things go as planned, the Veto will be used. But Jag is an overthinker, so he may decide not to use it.


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