Big Brother Canada 2014 marches on and we have the results of the latest Power of Veto Competition! And we have to tell you, from the Big Brother Canada spoilers coming out from the Live Feeds, this is just the start of one crazy week.
From the Big Brother Canada 2 spoilers from the Live Feeds, we now know that Adel used his special power to keep Allison from playing in the Power of Veto Competition. So he ended up playing in the comp in her place. We’re wondering how much Adel is going to regret that later, considering everything else that is going down this week.
Adel did not win the Power of Veto Competition, so he got pretty much no benefit at all out of using it, in our opinion. Especially since Allison has her secret Red Veto, so if she goes up on the block, it doesn’t even matter that she didn’t get a chance to play for the PoV.
Instead, the win went to current Head of Household Jon of the Sloppy Seconds Alliance. That gives him pretty much all of the power in the house… or so he thinks.
After winning the PoV, Jon and Neda got together with Rachelle and Sabrina about forming a little alliance together to backdoor Allison. How amazing that this also just happens to be the last week that Allison can use her secret Red Veto. Has someone been whispering in the Houseguests’ ears so they can ramp up the drama by giving Allison the chance to use it? Hmmmm.
If Jon does end up using the Veto to take down either Rachelle or Sabrina, and puts up Allison as the renomination, then she’ll just use her Red Veto to save herself. Which will force Jon to put up yet another renomination.
Looks like all sorts of wacky stuff ahead this week!