Can you believe the first Big Brother Live Feeds chat has finally happened?There are only two short weeks left until the Big Brother 17 premiere and we are stoked to have the first exclusive pre-season content from the Big Brother 2016 Live Feeds.

The first Live Feeds exclusive chat, held on Wednesday, June 10, featured Big Brother 16 winner Derrick Levasseur. The fan question and answer chat was totally nuts, but we tried to capture as much of what Derrick had to say as we could.
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The VIP Live Chat with Derrick Levasseur on Wednesday was sadly text only, but we could hear his humor and personality with every answer he posted anyway. And yes, it really was Derrick (some people did ask!). We spoke to him personally via Twitter prior to the chat and he confirmed he would be there.
Amusingly enough, Derrick entered the Live Chat ‘undercover’ (although it appears that was accidental) and just started talking. Fans thought he was a faker troll until CBS verified him!
Big Brother Live Feeds Chat With Derrick Levasseur – Transcript
* Please note we had a bit of trouble with our chat recorder and may have missed a few questions and answers. If you use our chat transcript elsewhere, please be kind and link back to us at
Q: How did you stay off the Block Derrick?
A: It was not easy staying off the block. Had to convince people each week that I was with them and not a threat to their [game].
Q: If they ever asked you to play again, would you consider it?
A: I would consider playing again but it would have to be the right situation for me and my family.
Q: Is a social game or a competitive game more important?
A: I think social game is more important. I only won 4 HoHs and still remained off the block all summer. That should tell [you].
Q: Is Derrick still a cop?
A: Yes, I am still a cop.
Q: Derrick can I get a Hollaaaa?
A: Holla!
Q: Do you have any inside info on BB17?
A: No inside info but I am pumped to see what CBS comes up with!
Q: If you didn’t win last season, who would you want to have won?
A: If I would have lost, I would have liked to see Cody win.
Q: Did you get any offers to work with CBS?
A: No, I did not get any offers but they know my number…haha
Q: Do you and Cody still keep in touch?
A: Talk to Cody every day.
Q: Do you think you are the best player of all time?
A: I don’t know if I’m the best player of all time. That’s for you guys to decide. What do you guys think?
Addressing the insane speed of the Live Chat, which CBS really did not handle all that spectacularly:
I can’t even read the questions guys so just have patience…haha
I appreciate the love! Means a lot.
Q: What was your favorite competition on BB16?
A: My favorite comp was BBGYPT…So much fun climbing that wall!
Q: Who is your favorite BB player of all?
A: My favorite player as a viewer might have been Nicole.
Q: Missed question? Not sure.
A: I usually like the strategist more than the entertainers.
Q: Were you worried when you didn’t win the final HoH?
A: I was not worried. Cody and I were solid.
Q: What would you do differently if you were to play another season?
A: If I played another season, I probably wouldn’t have the luxury of throwing comps anymore.
Q: How was hanging out with Hayden and Nicole yesterday?
A: Hanging out with Nicole and Hayden was a blast!
Q: Did you purposely let Cody win final HoH?
A: No, I did not let Cody win.
Q: How did you adjust back to your normal life after BB?
A: It took a little while to adjust back to the home life. I was gone so long! Thankfully, I am finally there.
Q: Did you do anything special for Cody with your winnings?
A: Cody got some nice Christmas gifts…that’s all I’ll say.
Q: What did you do with the prize money?
A: I invested most of the money and started a college fund for Tenely.
Q: [Missed question.]
A: Yes, I will be at the Big Brother premiere in New Jersey so try and come out!
Q: Since Team America screwed Zach, did he get nice gifts too?
A: Team America did not f*** Zach…He made his own choices.
Q: Who would you rather play in another season?
A: I would rather play with Cody if I could. He’s good!
Q: Derrick, any advice for future Big Brother players.
A: I would tell future Houseguests to go in there and play your own game! Don’t try to be like someone from the past.
Q: Any other favorite Houseguests from other seasons?
A: I really liked Frank Eudy, Jeff, and Dan.
Q: Would you come back to BB?
A: I would come back to BB if the circumstances were right for me and my family.
Q: Do you miss the BB house?
A: It’s funny but I ACTUALLY do miss the BB house. It was amazing to be able to live there.
Q: Did you watch your own season? Was it weird?
A: I’ve watched most of the season. Yes, it was very weird! haha
Q: What was your strategy to win?
A: I did not come in with a strategy. It was always to stay on the good side of as many people as possible.
Q: [Missed question.]
A: I’m friends with everyone from the house. I just hang out with some more than others.
Q: [Missed question.]
A: My life has changed a lot but all for the better. It’s nice to have people know who I am and respect the game I played!
Q: How did you prepare for BB?
A: I’ve watched every season since 10. I took a little bit from all seasons.
Q: Do people recognize you a lot?
A: I am recognized a lot. I live in a small state.
Q: How was it seeing your daughter, Tenley, at the finale?
A: It was unreal to see my daughter after my game. She was my motivation and it was nice to share that moment with her.
Q: [Missed question.]
A: I like new casts but we are almost due for an All-Star season.
Q: [Missed question.]
A: I have had a lot of people speed to have me stop them… No good…lol.
Q: [Missed question.]
A: Samsung.
Q: [Missed question.]
A: I personally liked Team America.
Q: Do you have any regrets?
A: If I had the chance to do it over again, I would have liked to win the final so I could have taken Cody.
Q: What was your smartest move?
A: My smartest move was aligning with Cody and getting rid of Devin.
Q: What was the hardest competition?
A: Hardest comp was the snowman comp.
Q: [Missed question.]
A: I miss just sitting in the backyard strategizing by myself.
Q: [How many competitions did you throw?]
A: I threw many competitions…haha
Q: [Missed question.]
A: I miss the oatmeal cookies.
Q: [Missed question.]
A: Slop sucks!
Q: [Missed Question]
A: I thought she played well. She just sent home the wrong people.
Q: Who would you have picked for Team America?
A: I would have picked me, Cody, and Nicole.
Q: What does slop taste like?
A: Slop tastes like flavorless oatmeal.
Q: [Missed question.]
A: Team America hurt my game slightly because Donny was able to figure out how my mind worked.
Q: [Missed question.]
A: If I would have lost, it still would have been totally worth it.
Q: [Do you talk to Victoria?]
A: Yes, I talk to Victoria.
Q: What was your favorite Team America mission?
A: My favorite mission was stealing everyone’s stuff!
Q: [Missed question.]
A: I like Donny but I think he’s still a little mad at me. Donny was the hardest because he didn’t talk!
Q: [Were you curious about what was going on in the world while you were in the house?]
A: I was extremely curious about what was going on and yes, I did miss my phone.
Q: [Missed question.]
A: When Hayden told Nicole to put me and Cody up.
Q: [Missed question.]
A: No, Jacosta called me a week after the show and we talked and she figured out that she was told a lie in the Jury house.
Q: [What was the worst part of being in the BB house?]
A: Being away from my family was the worst.
Q: [Missed question.]
A: It was not hard to deal with Victoria. I learned how to handle her.
Q: [Do you still talk to Christine?]
A: Yes, I still talk to Christine.
Q: [Are you excited about the new season?]
A: Yes! I am excited about the season! Interested to see the format!
Q: Would you ever do another reality show?
A: Yes, I would do The Amazing Race with Cody if I could!
Wrap Up: Alright guys! This was awesome! I appreciate all your support! Follow me on Twitter @derrickl and instagram @derricklevasseur.