Big Brother Over the Top: Power of Veto Comp Results (10/24/16)

Big Brother Over the Top‘s fourth week finally gave the Late Night Jamboree more control as one member of their team won the head of household. As head of household, Kryssie Ridolfi used her power to try to target someone from the Ball Smashers. She wanted to get Alex Willett out this Big Brother Over the Top week.

Big Brother Over the Top Scott Dennis

America’s interference made that impossible. Her next three targets were Scott Dennis, Morgan Willett, and Shelby Stockton. On Sunday night, Kryssie nominated Scott and Morgan. Then America threw another wrench into her plan by nominating one of her closest allies, Neeley Jackson.

Justin Duncan and Shelby were the veto players chosen to play alongside Kryssie and the nominees.

The Late Night Jamboree really needed the Veto to keep their hopes of their team getting out one of their targets this week.

This week’s veto, called ‘Wall of Shame,’ involved players scaling a wall to answer questions about the first three evictees. The player to answer all three questions correctly the fastest won this week’s power of veto.

Each player had a thirty minute time limit. They could also acquire penalties if they fell off the wall.

The first question asked: during the ‘Live by the Sword’ head of household competition,  how many players got eliminated before Shane Chapman. Shelby and Jason Roy were the only two players eliminated before him.

Big Brother OVer the top Neeley Jackson

This made the correct answer 2.

The second question asked on what day did Monte Massongill get nominated for eviction. He got nominated on day 13.

The correct answer is. 13.

The third question asked how many votes did Cornbread get to be evicted. Counting Alex’s hinky vote, he got 9 votes.

The correct answer is 9.

The play order was Morgan, Neeley, Kryssie, Shelby, Scott, and Justin. The final times were:

Morgan: 8:35

Neeley: 20:15 (6 minute penalties): 26:15

Kryssie: DQ’ed 30:00 (12 minute penalties): 42

Shelby: 12:18

Scott: 8:51

Justin: DQ’ed 30 minutes: 30:00

Big Brother Over the Top Week 4 POV Winner


Morgan Willett is this week’s Power of Veto winner! She will use it, and Shelby will likely go up as a replacement. Either Neeley, Scott, or Shelby will be evicted this Big Brother Over the Top week.

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