Another week in the Big Brother:Over the Top house brings us a new Head of Household (HOH) and consequently, new houseguests to be put on the block for eviction. This week’s first round of the safety ceremony has concluded, and the new HOH, Danielle, has selected the first three HGs to be safe this week.

Earlier today, the Have-Nots for the week were also revealed . To read about both the newly announced Have-Nots and the newly appointed HGs for safety, click “continue reading” link for today’s spoiler information.
The lucky recipients of the Have-Not torture for the week are Whitney, Kryssie, and Justin. They will enjoy all the slop they can eat, cold showers, and sweet dreams on their comfy and creepy haunted house themed trampoline beds.
Danielle has chosen her first 3 HGs for safety this week, and they are Kryssie, Justin, and Jason. Come back tomorrow night to see the second round results of the Safety Ceremony right here at 10:30 PM ET/7:30 PM PT.
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