The first Big Brother 2015 Head of Household Competitions for season 17 are over and we have TWO winners for you this week! Yes, in case you didn’t already know it, that means Battle of the Block is back again this year. Producers claim it is the “fan favorite” twist of the season, but we can’t think of a twist that most fans actually like less.

The first HoH Competition took place at the end of the season 17 premiere on Wednesday night. It featured only half of the Houseguests, with the other half competing on Thursday to determine a second HoH for the week.
Read on for our summary of both Head of Household Competitions and the winners who will be making the first nominations in the house, and facing off in the Battle of the Block.
Week One, Head of Household Competition One
Julie tells the eight Big Brother 17 cast members who are in the house that ONE of the Houseguests has to sit the competition out. Austin Matelson thinks he should volunteer, but Da’Vonne Rogers speaks up first. She says she will sit the comp out if they promise not to nominate her. Everyone agrees, but we’ll see what happens!
Entertainment Tonight‘s Kevin Frazier is live on the ‘red carpet’ for the UF Oh No!!! Big Brother film. The competition is a movie premiere theme and Kevin interviews the cast members with silly questions before they compete. The competition is called “Flying Tomatoes” because the movie is so rotten. The HGs have to catch red “tomato” balls and put in their containers. If they fall off their boards, they are out.
James takes an early lead, but those balls are coming hard and fast. And those boards are slanting and moving. Clay takes a fall first, followed by Austin, and Meg. Jace almost falls off but manages to climb back on his board.
Eventually there are only a few Houseguests left, but all of a sudden everyone ends up taking a plunge to the floor. Julie Chen says they are going to have to check the replay to see who ends up the winner. And it’s James Huling as the first Head of Household for Big Brother 17!
Week One, Head of Household Competition Two
For the second HoH Competition, a Houseguest will sit out just like Da’Vonne did in the first one. Former The Amazing Race competitor Jackie Ibarra doesn’t want to sit out because she thinks she’ll be an even bigger early target. Vanessa Roussou decides to gamble and volunteer to sit out. Clay Honeycutt suggests that those who sit out should not be nominated and several of the Houseguests agree, just like last night with Da’Vonne.
Instead of dirty tomato juice all over the HGs tonight, they get nasty green slime shooting down from above. The weight starts increasing more, trying to pull them up. In the end it comes down to Jackie Ibarra, Liz Nolan, and plucky Jason Roy.
Jason promises Jackie he will not put her up if she lets go. Jackie is about to lose anyway, so she takes the deal and lets go. Somehow, the tiny Jason manages to outlast the girls and scores the second Head of Household win of the season.
Now each of the Heads of Household will have to determine their first nominations. And we’ll have to wait and see if they both honor the agreement not to nomination Da’Vonne or Vanessa because they volunteered to sit out of the comps. Especially since they were told afterward they will be getting a future ‘reward’ for the ‘risk’ they took.
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