We watched the new episode of Big Brother 16 last night on CBS and it looks like we saw Team America complete their second mission, as voted upon by us. However, do you truly feel that Donny, Derrick and Frankie truly completed their mission on Big Brother 2014: putting up a physical threat as a nominee for Week 4 on Big Brother 16!

For us, I say heck no! The voting was opened up and we had to pick between them getting a physical threat on the block or a floater. To me, they went floater and trying to justify it by not putting up one of The Detonators on the block! The Live Feeds showed us this information earlier, but we saw it play out last night on Big Brother 2014.
Derrick and Frankie (who started the week as one of the Heads of Household) discussed it and they wanted to put Amber on the block and justified it as being a physical threat. They said she is the strongest female in the house, so it counts. Sure, she is probably the strongest female in the house, but is she truly a physical threat? I would take one of the six-pack ab guys and call them a physical threat, like Beast Mode Cowboy (even though he can’t win a competition)!
Either way, Donny got on board with it and Amber was put up as a nominee for Week 4 (but came down when her and Jocasta won Battle of the Block). CBS confirmed that it was “Mission Accomplished” last night, which means Team America pockets another $5,000 each!
Do you think they completed their second mission successfully?
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