Big Brother 17 cast member Shelli Poole made a big impression during her time on the show, mostly because of her showmance with 10-years-younger castmate Clay Honeycutt. In the end, it may have been her relationship with Clay that cost her the game.

Shelli seemed to have it made through the first half of the Big Brother 2015 season. She was a leading member of the dominant house alliance, she won two Head of Household Competitions, and she had Clay so wrapped around her finger, he was willing to sacrifice a half million dollars for her.
On Big Brother, however, everything can change at the drop of a hat. In one week, Shelli went from practically ruling the entire house to being on the eviction block with her showmance partner Clay. Next thing you know, he was gone, and he was out the door just one week later. Not only was Shelli (most likely) out of the running for a half million dollars, but she would have to be in the Jury house longer than any other Houseguest — without Clay.
Looking back at the game moves that eventually led to her Big Brother demise, Shelli told she regrets “not sending Austin out when we could” and choosing to target Jason instead.
Even though her romance with Clay may have been a huge contributing factor to her eventual eviction, Shelli doesn’t regret a minute of the time she spent with her paramour. “The Big Brother house is an emotionally sensitive place,” she told BBN, “and you need that back bone which he provided for me.”
Shelli still holds out hope that she will be the Jury member Big Brother host Julie Chen has hinted may win a chance to come back on the show. If that should happen, she said, it would probably be James she went after first, or “Austin and Vanessa, because obviously.”
Read the rest of what Big Brother 2015 cast member Shelli Poole had to say in her exit interview over at our partner site,
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