Big Brother 18 cast member Bronte D’Acquisto is a bit of an interesting character. CBS seems to be trying to play her up as the brainy student mathematician (who can’t solve 9X9). In real life, however, Bronte is also a model and actress who even nabbed a part in a Super Bowl Doritos commercial.
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While Bronte may actually indeed be studying to be a mathematician (although her only current degree is in Fine Arts/Theater from San Diego State University), it’s obvious that what she’s really after in life is fame and fortune.
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Although her LinkedIn profile has now been deleted, it listed Bronte’s current job as “Talent” with “Hollywood Talent & Associates”. Her credits included commercials for Toyota and Tanda Zap, several acting gigs, and modeling for such brands as Wrangler Jeans.
There are a few references here and there on the Net to Bronte’s academic studies, including her membership in the Metro Women in Math and Actuarial Science Club at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. However, at least from what we could find online, Bronte seems far more interested in being a model/actress than a future Pythagoras.
We didn’t find much on Bronte’s personal life online, as it appears she has scrubbed her social media accounts. However, it wasn’t difficult to find quite a few of her modeling pics and acting videos, including her tiny part in a 2012 Doritos Super Bowl Commercial.
Back in 2014, Bronte was part of a series called “Eastside Stories” for Aurora TV, a public network channel in Aurora, Colorado. She’s also apparently worked a number of times with the Long Board Productions movie & television studio, which she gave a glowing review of on Facebook. She was also at some point in an episode of a TLC series.
And yes, apparently that voice is indeed not any kind of an act. It remains to be seen how long exactly the other Houseguests or the Live Feed watchers will be able to deal with it before needing earplugs.
This is also not the first time Bronte has been in the running to be on Big Brother, although we don’t know how many years she may have been waiting in the queue. Apparently former Big Brother 17 winner Steve Moses ran into her during casting last year. In fact, he mentioned her on the Live Feeds, although not by name, which he confirmed in a recent Tweet.
“Steve is telling Clelli about a girl he liked during the tryouts. She was a girl with a bow in her hair. #BB18” MOM
— dakota (@ZakiyahBB) June 16, 2016
Confirmed. #teambronte
— Steve Moses (@geeksquadmcgee1) June 19, 2016
Well, if Bronte looked anything like she does in her, or photos when Steve saw her, we can hardly blame him for getting a bit of a crush. Have we mentioned like a thousand times before how seems to be one of the main recruiting grounds for CBS reality TV casting?

According to her Facebook page, Bronte is fond of the TV shows Sherlock and MythBusters, is a fan of National Geographic Brain Games host Jason Silva, and really thinks ESPN reporter Britt McHenry needs to be fired over some horrible things she said that were caught on camera.
Besides appearing in zit treating commercials, modeling, acting, and math studies, Bronte also says on her profile she is skilled in many forms of dance, stage combat, swimming, biking, tennis, stage hair & makeup, and as a bagger, cashier, waitress and sandwich maker. We’re not sure how many of those talents will help her inside the Big Brother 18 house, but maybe she can make some friends with her mad sandwich making abilities? Or her knowledge of how to cure those slop-induced pimple outbreaks?
More on Big Brother 18 cast member Bronte D’Acquisto at
>> Big Brother 18 Cast: Bronte D’Acquisto – The Brain?
>> Big Brother 18’s Bronte and Jozea Accused of Racist Remarks!
>> Big Brother 18 Showmances Heating Up! 6/28/2016
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