!SPOILER ALERT! – Big Brother 13 Week 7 Nominations
Deals are flying, houseguests are begging and everyone wants to know who is going to end up on the block this week. Find out who was nominated for eviction this week! […]
Deals are flying, houseguests are begging and everyone wants to know who is going to end up on the block this week. Find out who was nominated for eviction this week! […]
Tonight’s Head of Household competition contest on Big Brother 13 was an endurance challenge. The Big Brother houseguests were forced to get “All Washed Up” in slippery suds while running back and forth to fill glass globes with colored liquid in order to free a ping pong ball. […]
Before going into tonight’s live eviction on Big Brother 13, it looked like the houseguest getting the boot was pretty much a given. Still, you never know exactly what those crazy Big Brother houseguests are going to do and we were eager to see if everyone would vote the way they were expected to or if someone would end up going rogue. […]
The Big Brother 13 live eviction airs tonight on CBS and we can’t wait for the drama to unfold! If you’ve been watching the Big Brother live feeds, you’re probably already pretty clear about who everyone is 99% sure is going home tonight. Still, it’s always fun to how CBS will edit things together to show you how the houseguests arrived at their decisions. Plus, we just love watching that live reaction to seeing the evicted player get the boot! […]
This season on Big Brother 13, alliances have flow fast and furious in the house. Some have stayed strong for long stretches, while others have petered out and died even before they really began. […]
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