In more Big Brother news, Big Brother 18’s Nicole Franzel and Victor Arroyo are engaged! Today, the Big Brother 20 Live Feeds were down for over five hours. While they were down, apparently Victor, Nicole, Derrick Levasseur, Josh Martinez, Paul Abrahamian, Britney Haynes, Dani Donato-Briones, and probably even more houseguests entered the Big Brother 20 house today.

We’re not sure exactly what happened during this time. However, it’s likely to be some sort of tribute segment to Big Brother’s 20 seasons. This segment is likely to air on Sunday night and take the place of any competitions. While in the house, Victor decided to pop the question to Nicole, in the place where it all began. She obviously said yes.
Victor and Nicole met during Big Brother 18. Victor clearly had a crush and was often flirting with her. However, she was in a showmance at the time with Corey Brooks. Corey and Nicole didn’t last too long outside of the game, but she didn’t rush into things with Victor. They remained friends before announcing their relationship a little over a year ago.

It’ll be exciting to see how this all went down on Sunday’s episode. For now, we’ll just have to wait.
It’s official. ? #ElFitNic #BB18
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) September 8, 2017
Congrats to Nicole and Victor on their engagement.
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