Who Was Evicted Tonight on Big Brother 25? (8/25/23)
Felicia Cannon started her week as the Big Brother 25 HOH with one goal: to target and eliminate her one-time ally, Hisam Goueli. He was the HOH last week and rubbed some feathers in the […]
Felicia Cannon started her week as the Big Brother 25 HOH with one goal: to target and eliminate her one-time ally, Hisam Goueli. He was the HOH last week and rubbed some feathers in the […]
The Big Brother 6 Pressure Cooker has become a staple in Big Brother history. Fans often talk about it as a defining moment in the show’s 20+ history. They either witnessed the event firsthand or […]
In an interesting turn, Felicia Canon won the Head of Household competition for week three inside the Big Brother 25 house at the ripe young age of 63. Although she is aligned with Hisam Goueli, […]
Since last week, Cirie and her alliance have plotted and planned to backdoor Hisam. His Head of Household reign rubbed his alliance the wrong way. It all stemmed from his need to control his Big […]
Hisam Goueli held all of the power in the Big Brother 25 house last week after winning HOH and his second POV of the season. Many thought Hisam let all that power go to his […]
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