Reality Rally, one of the largest reality TV related charity events in the U.S., has turned down requests from several Big Brother 15 contestants to participate in the event this year. Both Amanda Zuckerman and GinaMarie Zimmerman were informed they were not welcome at Reality Rally 2014 because of their actions on Big Brother 15.

“E-mail I received after attempting to donate to @realityrally:
Dear Amanda,
Thank you for your interest in Reality Rally. Due to the sensitive nature of the controversy surrounding Big Brother 15 and the unacceptable behaviors exhibited, regrettably, we are unable to offer you a place in our Star Line-up. This decision is not an easy one to make, but it is reached through a thorough and thoughtful review of each applicant for Reality Rally. With a global image to consider, we are always mindful of how we, and our charity, are represented in the public eye. This has been our stand since our first event, and by which we continue to abide.
As a Non-profit organization, Reality Rally has an obligation to always do what’s best for our charity as well as our sponsors. We are committed to maintaining the highest degree of integrity in all of our dealings with potential, current and past participants. All parties involved share a responsibility for the best and proper interests of our charity and sponsors.
Reality Rally is committed to providing a safe, supportive and positive image and environment for our stars, volunteers and public. We strive to create a climate of dignity and respect, free from abusive, offensive or harassing behavior. This can only happen when everyone attending has conducted themselves in a socially and professionally acceptable manner that is reflected well in their reputation and public image.
Please know that these decisions are never easy.
We wish you great success in the New Year.
Gillian Larson, Creator and Event Producer
After she was asked by former Big Brother 14 winner Ian Terry if boyfriend McCrae Olson would attend Reality Rally without her, Amanda responded quickly with a curt “no way.”
GinaMarie Zimmerman, who won $50,000 as the runner-up on Big Brother 15, was also rejected by Reality Rally. She posted on Twitter confirming that she too was refused by organizer Gillian Larson.
What we find interesting here is that both ladies are claiming they were not even allowed to DONATE to Reality Rally because of who they are. At least, that’s how it comes across very clearly on their Twitter feeds in various posts. We find it incredulous that a charity would turn down cash from anyone, or that they could even prevent someone from donating that wanted to. We get they might reject people from attending, but to actually deny them from donating money?
@Raneydaise @AMANDAZUCKERMAN I wanted to give money they denied me as I said it’s about the people not me
— GinaMarie Zimmerman (@ginamariez) January 21, 2014
We reached out on Twitter and via e-mail to Reality Rally for clarification on whether or not Amanda and GM were blocked from even just donating funds, not just rejected from participating in the actual event, but so far haven’t heard back from any of the parties involved yet.
Who will be attending Reality Rally this year from Big Brother 15? Well, Judd Daughtery will be there, because apparently his nasty misogynistic remarks about women, including his constant use of the “C” word, were not too offensive to the charity organizer. Nick Uhas and Elissa Reilly Slater will also be in attendance, because apparently they never said anything too nasty to put them on the naughty list either.
*UPDATE: We received a response from Reality Rally organizer Gillian Larson, who told us that GM and Amanda were indeed both turned down as participants in the event. However, she stated that her letters to both former HouseGuests never included anything about refusing to allow them to simply donate to the charity, rather than attend the event. Although, in our opinion, both ladies seem to have implied very strongly via social media that they were told they could not even give money to the event. They certainly did not correct fans who railed against Reality Rally for not even wanting to take money from GM or Amanda for their cause.
As for why GM and Amanda were rejected from actually attending the event, Gillian told us: “Our event image is of prime importance to us and our Charity. Decisions that I made and have made since 2010 are never easy to make but I am guided by my code of values which in turn protects our event.” Gillian said she has “refused to add some Stars in the past for this reason and will continue to do so. I will never compromise our image, the image of our charity and the image of our town.”
Check out a full list of reality TV attendees at Reality Rally 2014 here.