Big Brother 25 Power of Veto Week 12 Ceremony Results (10/23/23)
Over the weekend, Felicia spent a lot of time pushing Cirie under the bus. It seems like it was more of a way to make sure Cirie would go out over her, instead of trying […]
Over the weekend, Felicia spent a lot of time pushing Cirie under the bus. It seems like it was more of a way to make sure Cirie would go out over her, instead of trying […]
Head of Household Jag plans to target and evict one of his closest allies. However, he doesn’t realize how she’s dedicated to him. In Jag’s defense, Blue has made him her target at points in […]
Once again Jag holds the power this week. As Head of Household, he wants to take a second shot at Blue. Last week, Jag made an attempt to get her out of the game. However, […]
Big Brother 25 is once again in the Scaryverse. This week’s Head of Household Competition has a cameo from Big Brother 17’s Johnny Mac (in some form). Then we’ll see if America can avenge Cory’s […]
Head of Household Jag is using his secret reign to try to take out Blue. He started the week by basically going straight for his target by nominating her and Felicia, who is currently the […]
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