!SPOILER ALERT! – Big Brother 13: Week 9 Power of Veto Ceremony
The Power of Veto Ceremony for Big Brother 13 week 9 is over and we’ve got the spoilers. Did the Veto holder use the power and force a renom or were the nominations left in […]
The Power of Veto Ceremony for Big Brother 13 week 9 is over and we’ve got the spoilers. Did the Veto holder use the power and force a renom or were the nominations left in […]
The Power of Veto Competition for Big Brother 13 week nine is over and we’ve got the results spoiler for you. This is one of the most important Power of Veto competitions of the year and everyone was rather stressed about who would land the POV this time around. Whoever has the POV could totally turn the house upside down this week! […]
The Head of Household nominations for week 9 in the Big Brother 13 house are over and done! Considering who is the Head of Household right now and where the current alliances stand in the house, we are not all that surprised how they turned out. […]
Pandora’s Box is almost always one of the most fun twists in the Big Brother game — usually anyway. Sometimes it will lead to huge upsets in the Big Brother 13 house, like it did when Porsche opened it and let louse the duo rules on the house for a week. (Eventually resulting in Jordan and Rachel having the power to vote out Shelly.) Apparently Big Brother 13 executives thought we needed an extra dose of Pandora’s Box to keep things interesting this week and so they pulled it out again to tempt the new Head of Household. […]
After the live eviction on Big Brother 13 last night, the new Head of Household competition continued on the Big Brother live feeds. This competition was totally one of the most disgusting of the season. The houseguests were forced to crawl through a pool of gooey grossness that clung to them like giant snot and then over a pile of candy and styrofoam peanuts digging into their hands and knees and sticking all over them. […]
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