Big Brother 12 New HOH and Nominations Week 5
Big Brother 12 returned to CBS tonight with the completion of the Head of Household competition from the last episode and the eviction nominations for this week. […]
Big Brother 12 returned to CBS tonight with the completion of the Head of Household competition from the last episode and the eviction nominations for this week. […]
Competing for this week’s Big Brother 12 Power of Veto were Matt as Head of Household along with Rachel and Brendon as the nominees up on the block. Kathy, Britney and Enzo were also selected to compete in the random draw. Ragan used the Veto Ticket he won last week to also join in. […]
Check out this far too amusing video of Rachel from Big Brother 12 before she became one half of a reality TV showmance. In this “Rally Crashers” video, Rachel cops to believing that “all men are stupid” and flirts like a bimbo with a guys to get drinks just to prove how idiotic the male sex is. […]
The Big Brother 12 Head of Household has made their nominations for the two Houseguests to put up for elimination this week. We’re pretty sure you won’t be shocked by their choices. […]
Friday was nomination day in the Big Brother 12 house and the drama was at full force! Everyone in the Big Brother house was pretty certain who was going to end up on the elimination block this week. The day was chock full of fights, back-alley deal making attempts and a whole lot interesting twists. […]
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