Big Brother 12: Double Eviction and HOH Competition Week 7
Tonight on Big Brother 12 was the dreaded double eviction for the Houseguests and what happened will change the entire nature of the game! […]
Tonight on Big Brother 12 was the dreaded double eviction for the Houseguests and what happened will change the entire nature of the game! […]
Tonight on Big Brother 12 marks the sixth live eviction of the season and it could be the most shocking yet! No one can truly predict who will be leaving the Big Brother house tonight and it’s all because of Matt. […]
No matter which one of them goes home tonight, the showmance that is Brenchel is about to be over! At least it will be on the show, we can hope it will also be ‘poof’ in real life too. […]
Tonight the fourth Big Brother 12 Houseguest aired on CBS and whoever ended up leaving, it spells the end of at least one of the showmances this season. […]
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