Who was evicted on Big Brother 17 tonight and won’t be moving on to the final three on Big Brother 2015? No one wants to end up in that disappointing fourth place spot and be just one step away from that final Head of Household Competition!

In the end, however, there can be only one and we have just a week left before the Big Brother 17 winner will be revealed. So that means someone had to be the one who got evicted on Big Brother tonight, and we predicted it was going to be a sad evening for a legion of very unhappy fans!
WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds and CBS show. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!
Wednesday night’s eviction was pretty much a given as soon as we found out the Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds that Vanessa had won Power of Veto. By securing that win, Vanessa guaranteed herself not only a place in the final three, but sole power over who would be evicted on Wednesday night.
We predicted that no matter what Vanessa said to Johnny Mac, Liz, or Steve, that she would take this opportunity to evict the rock star dentist. Vanessa was afraid of John and Steve teaming up to take each other to the final two if they could. Vanessa believed that Liz, however, was much more interested in having all her bases covered by having Steve or Liz as her final two options. Even though Liz would have a guaranteed two votes for her in Jury if she went against Vanessa in the final two.
As we thought would happen, Vanessa cast her vote to evict Johnny Mac. Now her best bet is to make sure she somehow gets to the final two with Steve. We don’t think there is any chance of Vanessa losing out to Steve in the Jury votes. Not that we think Liz has that much of a chance against Van either in a final two, even with Julia and Austin to vote for her.
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