The first thing to know about Big Brother 18 cast member Paulie Calafiore is that his brother happens to be a previous houseguest on the show. Even if we didn’t know his last name, it wouldn’t be hard to figure out he’s related to former Big Brother 16 runner-up Cody Calafiore just from his picture. Watch him in his first cast interview on the Live Feeds, and it becomes even more wildly obvious.
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Entertainment Tonight Meet the Houseguests Video Interview
Entertainment Tonight Houseguests Talk Showmances Video Interview
Entertainment Tonight All in The Family Video Interview
Like his brother Cody, Paulie Calafiore hails from Howell, NJ. In real life, this Calafiore brother actually goes by Paul most of the time apparently, not Paulie. However, we’re sure CBS pushed him a bit to go for the nickname so we wouldn’t have two Pauls in the house this season. That would get a bit confusing.
Official CBS Big Brother 18 Photos
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Paulie says that he has “multiple strategies” in mind for playing Big Brother 18, depending on what happens when he gets in the house and sees “what pieces I’ll be playing chess with.” We’ll see if his actions are a bold as his words after we get into the game for a few weeks.
On his LinkedIn profile, Paulie Calafiore is listed as the co-owner of SWEAT Elite Fitness in Freehold, NJ, and also co-creator of PC Fitness personal and group training. Although we note that on his CBS profile, Paulie is listed as a DJ for his occupation, even though he hasn’t listed that job on his resume since 2011. He also told Jeff Schroeder in his Live Feeds interview that he owns “an entertainment company” either in addition to the gym or “at” the gym (which sounds weird), depending on which of his interviews you are listening to or reading.
A photo posted by Paul Calafiore (@pr_calafiore) on
We could not find any specific information online about this entertainment business Paulie says he owns, but we do know he obviously does some modeling from the photos he has posted on Twitter. Last year in an a ‘model spotlight’ interview with CJC Photography, Paulie said his favorite physical features are “definitely my abs and my eyes.” Although he told The Hollywood Reporter that he doesn’t “really do [modeling] anymore.”
The gym Paulie co-owns, SWEAT Elite Fitness is “dedicated to personal fitness and elite athletic training” so we’re guessing Paulie may end up a beast in physical competitions. Although it isn’t always the jocks who win in those grueling endurance challenges.
Talking shit to @TKSWEAT on the reg ?? #TeamSweat
— Paul Calafiore (@PaulieC116) April 13, 2016
Paulie was also apparently captain of the Rutgers University soccer team four out of his five seasons. He was also on his high school soccer team as well. His profile on calls him “very personable and upbeat” as well as a great team player. Could this mean he might be a strong ally to have in an alliance? Maybe so. His brother Cody certainly proved adept at riding the Hitmen alliance all the way to the finale.
In addition to being a DJ and an athlete, Paulie apparently also plays the guitar and does a bit of singing, although it seems more of a hobby than a profession.
According to his Facebook, Paulie is a big fan of the Arsenal, the New York Giants, the Yankees, as well as musicians Dustin Paul, Fenix, Rooky, and Buckcherry. His taste in movies and TV ranges from The Godfather to Inception, True Blood to Californication, and he’s a particular fan of Denzel Washington. Interesting. He’s also a member of several “party network” Facebook groups, so we’re guessing Paulie likes to get his party on pretty frequently. He also apparently likes assault rifles.

On the other hand, when he’s not wielding dangerous weapons, Paulie also has a softer side. Stalking through his Facebook page, we found that he’s not afraid to indulge in a bit of poetic lyric posting now and then (these are from “Cut the Cord” by Shinedown .
While we were scrounging the web for all the tidbits we could uncover about Paulie, we did find one thing he probably would rather not have out there. If he knows about it. Apparently some random gay porn blog has a photo of Paulie and a friend with their naked butts up in the air. We screenshotted it for proof, but no, we aren’t sharing the uncensored photo or the link.
We are also NOT saying Paulie is gay at all. Only that some random gay porn blogger out there somehow got hold of a picture of his naked ass and splashed it on the Internet. Whatever, I guess it happens when you are a hot guy? Who, uh, likes to hang around naked on floors with other naked hot guys? These days, it’s all fluid anyway.
Oh, and there might just be a vine video of him and someone named Ryan Allen Carrillo wearing nothing but jockstraps with their butts hanging out, dancing and holding each other, and spinning around on roller skates. This may also be the same guy in the naked butt picture with Paulie above. But we aren’t swearing to any of it because it’s hard to see the faces. It’s supposedly something filmed for a “commercial shoot”. Take that as you will…
Paulie Calafiore Photo Gallery (Sources: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
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More on Big Brother 18 Cast Member Paulie Calafiore on
>> Big Brother 18 Cast: Paulie Calafiore – The Muscle
>> Big Brother 18 Showmances Heating Up! 6/28/2016
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