Tonight, in the Big Brother 23 house, we will find out if the fooler can be fooled. Head of Household Xavier Prather nominated Britini D’Angelo and Brent Champagne to the block for eviction this week. Brent has been Xavier’s target all along, but Brent suspected Xavier’s slick moves.
After Brent orchestrated a move where the block nominations stayed the same when Christian Birkenberger won the golden Power of Veto, he thought his plan was set…a blindside on Xavier tonight. Little does Brent know that all of his allies in the Big Brother 23 house are working with Xavier. Tonight may go down as one one of the best blindside votes but not exactly the way Brent intended.
Week Three Power of Veto Ceremony Fallout
Brent is still more than certain he has the votes to stay in the Big Brother 23 house. He thinks he is about to completely blindside Xavier in the live vote with a final vote of 6 to 5. What Brent doesn’t realize is that the entire house is in on this blindside…against him.
Brent’s fake allies in the Big Brother 23 house have even created a fake alliance called the Mafia to ensure Brent goes home this week. Brent can’t help himself from bragging to his “allies” that this move will be legendary this week. This will be legendary, no arguments there.
Week Four HOH Plans
Now that the Big Brother 23 house has concluded Brent will be going home this week, and the Aces will be down a player, it’s time to pick a Head of Household winner for the week. The Aces are worried about the Kings having four players left in the game. That puts the Kings at a huge advantage over all of the other teams.
Derek Xiao is in the Royal Flush alliance with the Kings and Queens. He is also in his Big Brother 23 team alliance with the Aces that includes Whitney Williams and Hannah Chaddah after Brent’s eviction this week. His Ace’s team wants him to step up and target a King this week so they don’t have numbers.
The Royal Flush alliance wants Allyssa Lopez or Christian to target Whitney for eviction this week. If Whitney is targeted next week, Derek X. will be left with just two players left in the Aces and all four Kings still standing. That won’t work for Derek X.
The Kings have their own meeting and agree they need to take HOH powers in the coming week in the Big Brother 23 house. They want to target Whitney and Hannah. This is an issue for Xavier as he is in an alliance with Hannah in the Cookout.
Week Three Live Eviction
Christian votes to evict Brent
Azah Asasum votes to evict Brent
Derek X. votes to evict Brent
Kyland Young votes to evict Brent
Claire Rehfuss votes to evict Brent
Hannah votes to evict Brent
Sarah Beth Steagall votes to evict Brent
Alyssa votes to evict Brent
Derek Frazier votes to evict Brent
Whitney votes to evict Brent
Tiffany Mitchell votes to evict Brent
During his eviction interview with host Julie Chen Moonves, Brent said he wasn’t shocked with his eviction tonight. He said he didn’t go after the POV because all that would have done was to buy him another week. He thought he has had a target on his back since day two in the Big Brother 23 house. Brent was obviously quite shocked and upset with his eviction, but he did his best to hide that while speaking with Julie.
Week Four Head of Household Competition
This week’s HOH competition is called Peer Pressure, and this competition will be played with the Big Brother 23 houseguest’s teams. Each team will need to complete a life-sized surfboard puzzle. Only one team member at a time can work on the puzzle.
Each Big Brother 23 team member is limited to a 25-second clock to work on the puzzle. That clock must be reset after each team member’s turn. If the clock expires at any time during the competition, the entire team is eliminated. The winner will be the houseguest on the winning team that places the final piece to the puzzle and hits their buzzer.
Christian and the Kings won the week four Head of Household competition. Christian will be safe along with his teammates Xavier, Sarah Beth, and Alyssa. This was exactly what the remainder of the Big Brother 23 house did not want to happen. The Kings have all four of their members still intact, and they have an advantage among the other teams.
Join us again this Sunday, August 1 at 8/7c for the last Wildcard competition and the block nominations from Christian.
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