Who Was Evicted Tonight on Big Brother All-Stars? (8/20/20)

As the houseguests have gotten settled into their games after two weeks inside the Big Brother 22 All-Stars house, either Nicole Anthony or David Alexander will be saying goodbye this evening. Under the rule of the Head of Household (HOH), Memphis Garrett, neither block nominee was able to save their own game with a Power of Veto (POV) victory.

Big Brother 22 Block Nominations

Memphis was able to ruffle the feathers of his alliance, however, when he also won the POV this week and decided to keep his nominations the same. When Janelle Pierzina and Kayser Ridha were able to expose a majority of the members of Memphis’ alliance, they wanted to backdoor Janelle to make a strong power move early in the game. Now that Janelle and Kayser are still safe, will Nicole A. or David be evicted tonight on Big Brother 22, and who will win the next HOH competition and take control of the house?

Week Two Power of Veto Fallout

The six person alliance formed by Cody Calafiore and Memphis including Tyler Crispen, Dani Donato, Nicole Franzel, and Christmas Abbott, is not very happy that Memphis had the opportunity to backdoor Janelle this week but didn’t act. Memphis knows there are two distinct sides of the house right now and doesn’t want to show his cards too early.

Kayser approached Da’Vonne Rogers about building an alliance to counter the alliance he feels is running the house right now (Tyler, Dani, Cody, and Nicole F. are the players in the alliance he and Janelle have figured out, but they don’t realize Christmas and Memphis are in the group as well). Kayser pitched an alliance including himself, Janelle, Bayleigh Dayton, Nicole A., Christmas and Day. He is nervous about the other side of the Big Brother house calling all of the shots. Day wasn’t quite sure she was onboard with that plan.

Last Minute Wheeling and Dealing

Day tried to approach David about his alliance to see who he is working with inside the Big Brother house. David wouldn’t give Day any info, and she was quite pissed with his attitude. She shared her feelings with Bayleigh regarding David.

Big Brother 22 Da'Vonne Rogers

Kayser and Janelle are trying to get votes in the house to save Nicole A. from elimination. The other side of the house doesn’t trust Janelle for obvious reasons, and Nicole A.’s association with her is hurting her game and staying in the game. Nicole A. shared with Cody that she was coming after Janelle guns blazing, and he likes that idea. That would help his game.

Week Two Live Eviction Vote

Tyler Votes to Evict Nicole
Enzo Palumbo Votes to Evict David
Christmas Votes to Evict Nicole
Kevin Campbell Votes to Evict David
Janelle Votes to Evict Nicole
Day Votes to Evict Nicole
Kayser Votes to Evict Nicole
Bayleigh Votes to Evict Nicole
Cody Votes to Evict Nicole
Ian Terry Votes to Evict Nicole
Nicole F. Votes to Evict Nicole
Dani Votes to Evict Nicole

Big Brother 22 Week 2 Evictions

By a vote of 10-2, Nicole A. is evicted from the Big Brother 22 All-Stars house. During her exit interview with Julie Chen Moonves, Julie asked Nicole why she was so upset with Janelle when she was trying to help save her game. Nicole admitted that she was wrong, and that cost her a save. Kayser reiterated how he was trying to save her game with his goodbye message which brought Nicole to tears. Nicole seems to be devastated by her mistake of Janelle and Kayser.

Week Three Head of Household Competition

Tonight’s HOH competition is Mug Shots, and the houseguests will each play one at a time. The players will slide one mug down three different counters trying to get each mug to land on the spot with the highest scoring zone. There is a 30 second time limit for each contestant. The final score is the cumulative score from all three mugs. The houseguest with the highest score wins the week three HOH.

Cody is up first and brings in a scored of 4. Enzo manages to score 8. David scored 6. Christmas scored 8 points , but she was not as fast as Enzo so he remained in the lead. Day scored 7 as well as Kevin. Ian scored 10 and took the lead. Nicole scored 9, and Dani scored 4. Tyler scored 12 and took the lead. Bayleigh scored 7. Janelle scored 11. Lastly, Kayser scored 5. Congrats to Tyler for winning the week three HOH competition.

Big Brother 22 Tyler Crispen

Join us again on Sunday, August 23rd at 8 PM EST/ 7 PM CST for the next episode and live recap. Sunday’s episode will feature the final Safety Suite competition. Looking forward to seeing you right here again then. Until then, stay safe, wear your mask, and just be nice to each other people.


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