We are now over a month into Big Brother 20, and this season is shaping up to be a good one…maybe even a great one. Since day one, we have had a clearly divided house going after one another. Although the alliance names may have fallen by the wayside, F.O.U.T.T.E., or an alliance changed their name from Level 6 to Level 5 due to circumstance, there are 2 definitive sides in the Big Brother house. The super fans know that a successful alliance is the key to winning this game. Let’s take a closer look at where we stand in week 5.
The old F.O.U.T.T.E. alliance (worst alliance name ever in the history of Big Brother alliances, just saying), which I will gladly call the other side of the house, is firmly in control this week with Queen Bay (Bayleigh Dayton) at the helm as Head of Household. This should bode well for her strong allies including Faysal Shafaat, Angie “Rockstar” Lantry, Haleigh Broucher, and Scottie Salton (although Bayleigh questioned why Scottie was in the storage room for the group celebration when she won the HOH competition). As HOH, power has gone to the queen’s head a bit, but at least she is clearly targeting the heart of the Level 5 alliance by nominating Brett Robinson and Rachel Swindler for eviction.
There has been quite a large misstep by Queen Bay this week. For reasons that I cannot understand as a Big Brother super fan, Bayleigh revealed to Rachel her Power App reward including all of the app’s details. For those who don’t recall, Bayleigh won the reward in week 3 right after her showmance partner Chris “Swaggy C” Williams was evicted from the house. Her reward is called Identity Theft, and it allows Bayleigh to take over Head of Household duties by secretly naming the initial nominees. This power doesn’t expire until final eight.
Of course, as soon as Bay shared with Rachel this coveted information, it began to disseminate throughout the Big Brother house. Bayleigh told Rachel who told her ‘ride or die’ Angela Rummans. Angela then told Tyler Crispen and Kaycee Clark. Tyler took it upon himself to tell Brett, the target sitting on the block for eviction this week. Funny how these things run right through the Big Brother house so quickly.

This leaked knowledge has completely changed the course of the Big Brother game this week. Tyler, in particular, has changed his game plan now that he has this vital information. Let’s leave the specifics of his original plan alone in order to not spoil the upcoming Big Brother 20 episode. Bottom line is that Queen Bay let her HOH power get the best of her, and now that has changed the game and could possibility affect her alliance in the near future.
As long as the Power of Veto is not used to take Brett or Rachel off the block, one of the two should be going home this week. That will be a big blow to the Level 5 side of the house, which by default should become the Level 4 alliance. With only 4 members remaining, they may want to consider bringing in Sam Bledsoe and/or JC Moundiux as permanent members of their alliance. If they don’t include Sam and JC, the ‘other side’ of the house will have a numbers advantage over them. These simple moves can make or break an alliance in the Big Brother house.
Keep it here all summer for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!